
Discussion in 'ASP.NET / ASP.NET Core' started by JohnnyKnoxville, Dec 30, 2003.

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  1. Can someone tell me what I need to do to configure the AspNetForum on the server? I realize that the AspNetForum.config file needs modifications, but as far as the upload is concerned, where do all of the required files need to be placed?


  2. Well, here's what I did....

    First, I installed the forum on my own machine, compiled it and got it working. There were some errors in the source code in the version I got, I don't know if they have been fixed or not. I forgot what they were (sorry) but you can find them on the AspNetForum Forum.

    Then I copied the database up. (I actually changed the name of the tables to Forum_{tableName} which I do NOT suggest. It was a major pain to change all of the SPs, triggers and UDTs.) Then I created a directory called "Forum" under my main web site simply copied all of the files under AspNetForum on my machine to that directory. I went into the control panel here on DiscountAsp.Net and set that directory to be an application (very important) It worked fine.

    You only need the stuff that is under the web application, not the other project (I have it on another computer, so I don't hve it in front of me, but it is a bit confusing. There are two projects, one which contains the aspx files and another that contains all of the code for the ASPX files. You don't need the second one, only the DLL produced by it which should be produced when you compile it.)

    If you have any problems or this isn't clear enough, reply here and I'll crack it open again and look at what I did.


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