Atlas grows up

Discussion in 'ASP.NET / ASP.NET Core' started by wisemx, Sep 24, 2006.

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  1. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    Do you guys see Atlas (or AJAX) going to "mainstream"?

    AJAX is already pretty popular but do you think regular user will get use to it? One of my biggest thing is: people like to use the "Back" button, and it really messes up the AJAX driven page if you push the back button.



  2. it'll be like flash was a few years ago. people designed their whole sites in it... people hated it. now it's reserved for specific functionality.

    a lot of sites use dhtml already. we'll probably see a similar uptake in ajax.

    Joel Thoms
  3. mjp


    People will get used to it in about five years, when it's no longer relevant.

    By then we'llbe usingSegway navigation, where you just think about which direction you want to go, and the page loads. Most of the time.

  4. I've been a coder since the mid 80's and first started ASP in 1999.
    Fighting through all the script problems since then did make me hesitate.
    However I have to admit that I'm having a lot of fun with Atlas and making some cool stuff with it.
    Using it for a few friendly things on the accounts I have with you guys has already allowed me to defeat the spammers.
    There are some slick methods you can use for that purpose alone but I also must admit my favorite items are Shadows and Corners.

    PS - We should have more chats like this, it's good to slurp Espresso with the DASP community.
  5. I've gotta agree with Joel. I think this'll be like every other shiny new tool. It'll get overused in the extreme, and eventually the overuse will taper off until it's used just where it's really needed - like it has been for years beforethe technologywas ever called "AJAX". Freakin' marketing weenies.... It's going to take awhile though.

    Hell, I'm still trying to convince some people that you don't have to code every interface to use XML. If nobody but you is ever going to use that interface, it's just a waste ofmemory and processing power to parse all those tags.

    I think it'll be similar with AJAX. It's great for real applications, like online banking and things where you could open it in a window without any browser window or buttons and people would use it like a desktop app, but unfortunately too many people are going to try to build entire websites out of it...
  6. Personally...I don't see Ajax as Flash. Not at all.

    Looking behind us, what purposehas Flash served? Appearanceover functionality? Seems so. . .
    Looking in our functionality toolkitwe see new, ever evolving, tools;One of whichappears to beAjax.

    We still live in a Stateless world where tools like Ajax are actually necessary.
    Necessary for the basic functionality the rest of the world expects from us.
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