Automated Database Backup Script

Discussion in 'Databases' started by experience, Mar 1, 2013.

  1. MySQL Secure Connection & Backup

    I use your MySQL database and connect to it directly from my PC using HeidiSQL.

    The issue of remotely connecting to the database is that the connection is not secure :( and you dont accept secure connections of any type which is disappointing. Are you planning to add/allow remote secure database connections in the future?

    For me the database contains sensitive information, and in not offering secure remote connections it is certainly a let down on what else is a good service
  2. Automated Backup Script

    Since we dont get automated backups :confused: i've created a backup script that will allow you to run daily/weekly/monthly database backups direct to your PC.

    Tested on MySQL - not sure if it will work on other database types

    Unfortunately the forum upload system crashes when i try to attach it to this message, so you can download it from:

    Maybe an admin can upload it for us ;)
  3. I needed to backup my database daily, as discountasp dont offer backups i wrote a small script to automate this process.

    Script works with MySQL databases, not tested with other database types
  4. Oops seems my topics have all combined into one topic for some reason!

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