BC30002: Type 'TripExportService.TripExportServiceWse' is not defined

Discussion in 'ASP.NET WebServices' started by Tonyg, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. Hello.

    I have a website running on discountAsp.net. Developed using VS2008 Pro, SP1, .NET 2.0, ASP.NET 2.0, WSE 3.0.

    When i run it in my development environment, it runs fine. After i upload to my web site on discountAsp.net, one of the functions gives this error:

    Server Error in '/' Application.

    Compilation Error
    Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately.

    Compiler Error Message: BC30002: Type 'TripExportService.TripExportServiceWse' is not defined.

    Source Error:

    Line 162: ' Client authentication method = Username
    Line 163: ' Soap messages sent to and from the client protected = None
    Line 164: Dim proxy As New TripExportService.TripExportServiceWse
    Line 165: proxy.Url = "https://www.xatanet.net/XataNetWebService/TripExportService.asmx"
    Line 166: Dim user As New UsernameToken(companyString & "\" & userNameString, passwordString, PasswordOption.SendHashed)

    Source File: E:\web\tonygirgent\htdocs\WebServices\GetTruckMileage.aspx.vb Line: 164

    I tried searching here as well as Google for an answer and cannot find anything helpful.

    Any help would be gratefully appreciated.

  2. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    looks like you didn't upload some dll into the bin folder.
  3. Hello Bruce.

    I just checked the bin folder. I have all of the same files in my bin folder as i have in my development system bin folder.

    There is no TripExportService.TripExportServiceWse.dll

  4. Hello Bruce.

    It took me a while, but I finally managed to test my web site on another test computer that does not have any development system on it. I used an XP Pro, SP3 standalone computer with IIS5.1 on it. I had to download and install various components to get it to work.

    Once I installed all necessary components and got the right security scheme set up, the web site ran fine with no errors at all on the test computer. Since there were no errors running the web site on the test computer, deleted all of the files from my web site on discountAsp.Net and copied all of the files from the test computer to my web site on discountAsp.Net. Again, even on discountAsp.Net, it worked fine without any errors on discountAsp.Net.

    Now, I have to apologize to you. I feel embarrassed that I did not try that scenario in the first place before I started asking for help. I never thought that deleting all of my files on discountAsp.Net and reinstalling them would solve the issue.

    However, there is one issue with this whole situation that I am still puzzled about. I still do not see a file on my web site that contains the class 'TripExportService.TripExportServiceWse'. Like I said, the web site runs fine even when I consume services using 'TripExportService.TripExportServiceWse'. If you can tell how that is possible I would appreciate it. If not, I’m not going to worry about it since everything works the way it should.

    Thanks again for your help.

  5. Well, I hate to say this, but this problem is happening again. After making a change to my web site, I did the same thing as i explained in my previous post, i deleted all of my web site from discountAsp.Net and uploaded my web site again. The web site was working fine before i did this again, but now it is giving me that error.

    I wish there was somebody that could explain to me why my web site does not have any file containing the class 'TripExportService.TripExportServiceWse', yet when i upload my web site sometimes it works and sometimes it does not work.

    It works in my development environment, it works on a standalone XP PC with IIS5.1, but it does not work when i upload it to discountAsp.Net.

    Any help would be gratefully appreciated.


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