BCP into a DiscountASP database

Discussion in 'Databases' started by wisemx, Feb 23, 2008.

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  1. The SQL Server Bulk Copy program does a nice job for DB admins however it's not what you want to use for an account here.

    A lot can go wrong and there is an easier method.

    The best way to pump your data and objects into your remote SQL Server is to use the Management tools.

    If you don't have a local copy of SQL Server you can get Developer versions on amazon.com
    $41.99, Free shipping

    Note: Both SQL Server 2000/2005 Developer editions can be used for accounts here.
  2. I'm trying to BCP a table into a database on Discount ASP... I'm using this string....

    I'm using this to import the data
    > bcp SQL2005_<database_name>.dbo.tblcatalogs_backup in C:\recoveredData.txt -c -S sql2k507.discountasp.net -U<username> -P <password>
    > but I keep getting a this error :
    > SQLState = 08001, NativeError = 0Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Unable to complete login process due to delay in opening server connection
    > Why would the login timeout on the Discount ASP end ?

    I can login fine using SQL management Studio ....

    Is this the right way to upload a table of data or is there a better way ?
  3. Thanks

    I have the SQL Management Studio.. but I just want to recover a table rather than the entire DiscountASP backup...

    How would I go about doing this ?
  4. Unfortunately SQL 2005 has a really poor Import Utility from my point of view. Unlike Enterprise Manager for SQL 2000 where there is a Wizard that helps you perform an Import/Export function. Try referencing this thread from our community forum on some guidelines on how to perform an Import function with SQL 2005. http://community.discountasp.net/default.aspx?f=16&m=8808

  5. You don't like the new data pumper in SQL 2005?
    I used the tools in SQL 2000 for years and just love the changes in 2005.

    If it will help I can create a Camtasia video. [​IMG]
  6. Using the Import/Export data tools within the database while in the management area you can pump any objects or tables either way.
    If you have SQL Server 2005 locally this tool has really improved over version 2000 but both work very well.
  7. I dont see an import utility .... I do have the SQL 2005 version .... Where wuld I find that in SQl Management Studio ?
  8. A video would be great ... please do...
  9. I'll start on it today, should be on-line later, then I'll update this post.

    Update: Sorry for the delay, my kids (Ages 3, 6 and 9) are having a"snow day" here in N.E. Tennessee. [​IMG]

    Post Edited (wisemx) : 2/28/2008 2:15:59 PM GMT
  10. What version of sql are you using locally?
    SQL express doesn't offer import and export because it relies on SSIS. I don't know if you have to install SSIS in full bore SQL to get it ... I always install it all.
    I can't imagine BCP would find it's way through discounts security (i sure hope not :))

    Meantime ... if you have MS Access you can set up ODBC to both you local sql and the discount sql and simply use the query method in it. Or, if you want the table indexes etc. drop the remote version and use the Upsizing wizard in Access (just be careful about the fields and idents ... there mostly compatible but by no means exact).
  11. Has anyone actually gotten SSIS to import from an XML file? When I look at the available data sources, the only one close is "SQLXMLOLEDB" and that one just throws errors.
  12. HI,
    First of all, I never got the videos finished that I mentioned in this thread.

    As for the XML errors, can you post the XML file?
    Also, was it created by hand or exported? If exported, was it from Excel?
    I've been seeing a lot of bug reports related to Excel and SQL imports, even for CSV.
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