Best Site Hosted on DASP?

Discussion in 'Site Design, SEO, Google and Site Promotion' started by edified, Nov 8, 2006.

  1. One thing I like on dreamhost is DHSOTM (Site of the month) which exhibits one site hosted on DH every month.

    I've been flipping through various ASP sites in this forum. If I had more time I'd look but instead I thought I'd ask-

    1. What's is the best site you've seen hosted on DASP?

    2. What's is the best site ASP/ you've seen hosted on DASP (can be the same as 1)?

    3. On the whole internet? What's the best based site you've with a team of less than 3 people working on it?

    Please include links- I'd like to see what others are doing with as I've always been a PHP kind of guy.

    Ed Palma -
  2. I'll start things off.

    I don't have a #1 or #2 'cause I'm new at DASP. My #3 is which was designed by my buddy Dave and his daughter. It's based on and uses XML feeds to drive the website.

    What about you all?

    Cheers, Ed

    Ed Palma -
  3. mjp


    A "site of the month" type spotlight is a good idea, and something we've kicked around. We may do it at some point. The previous host I worked for had a directory of hosted sites, thousands of them (customer-submitted), and I think that's a great thing for prospective customers to be able to browse sample sites to get a feel for the service, and what's possible.

    I would be hesitant to list any sites here now without the owner's permission, but I've seen some very nicely designed sites come through the door.
  4. I suppose I could do a reverse DNS lookup and find out myself. I can't imagine that people with a public page on the internet wouldn't want people to see it of link to it. Still.

    Any Customers? What's the best ASP site? Seen any decent applications or just pretty sites around?

    Ed Palma -
  5. There are many reasons site owners might not want to be published in the directory. One popular reason being for resellers. If you are a designer and you charge your client $50/m to host their site, you wouldn't want their site to be listed in DASP's directory so the client can find out you're over charging them $40/m.

    There are many other reasons as well, it's always best to get permission or at least give them the option to 'opt-out'.
  6. Fair enough- although if a client thinks $50/Month is a fair price for someone else to deal with hosting than they shouldn't have an issue. Any reasonable consumer understands that a middleman means a markup. My customers just realize that they'd rather have me deal with things like MX records, spam filters, backups, quotas and renewals so they're willing to pay me.

    It sounds like you're recommending an opt-in instead of an opt out. In any case, for those of you wondering what DASP is capable of hosting or if you just want to explore what other people are doing, I've compiled a partial list of sites that (I think) are hosted on DASP. Keep in mind that I created this list from publicly available sources (namely DNS references). Anyone wanting to know where their site is hosted can do a simple whois. Anyone not capable of that is unlikely to be in this forum. So here's my list:

    I haven't had a chance to review any of these yet- to busy writing papers- dang. I'll get around to it eventually.

    P.S. I would have made all those links but the forum poops out after the first 10 or so- presumable to combat spam- or I might have made a syntactical error.</font>

    Ed Palma -
  7. My website is on that list above. It suddenly stopped working recently and I'm not sure why. Do any of you know how to make it start working again?
  8. mjp


    Well it could be 100 different things. You don't give any details so I assume that your credit card expired and the account was suspended. That's the most common reason a site stops working for (seemingly) no reason. The other is domain name expiration. But you really have to contact support to determine what the problem is.

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