Better html tag whitelisting to prevent XSS attacks needed

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by wisemx, Dec 18, 2007.

  1. If you know what you want to strip out replacing within strings works well.

    This is a method I use on a button click before the record gets submitted to the DB:
    Dim sName As String = Server.HtmlEncode(txtName.Text.Replace("'", "''"))

    This is a format function used on a page that posts the DB information:
    Public Function FormatStr(ByVal MessageString As String) As String
    MessageString = Replace(MessageString, Chr(13), "")
    MessageString = Replace(MessageString, Chr(10) &amp; Chr(10), "</p><p>")
    MessageString = Replace(MessageString, Chr(10), "")
    FormatStr = MessageString
    End Function

    <%# (FormatStr(Container.DataItem("message")))%>
  2. I'd like to allow some html tags on my site comments section, but the recommended Microsoft ASP.NET package, AntiXssLibrary, simply encodes everything, which blocks all html tags. I spent a full day looking for a suitable regular expression with no luck.

    Does anyone know a good regex or package for filtering user submitted text to prevent XSS but allow whitelisted HTML tags? I'm using FreeTextBox, but am willing to switch if necessary.

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