Built In Components

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by huhoic, May 15, 2008.

  1. Hi,

    It doesn't matter. Any component you try to create a refrence too, you can pick one. Say one of the email ones or picture ones or whatever.

  2. Hi, DASP has a lot of components it has purchased.

    I would like to use some of these components. How would I do that? I would need a reference to it. When developing on my box I do not have the components to reference on the server.

    Yes they do have trials which I can reference. But then it will be referenced by c:\...\component.dll Then when I put the code on the server it will break.

    How do other people create refrences to these components. We can't log on to DASP server create a refrence and start programming on there.

  3. Can you be more specific on what component you are referring to?

  4. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

  5. cioina,

    Thanks for the help. I am aware of this. But the benefit of signing up with DASP is that they already have purchased a server license for all their users. I would like to take advanatge of their license purchase and use those for free, at the price of our hosting plan.

    If i do purchase these then, I have a license and can test on my own box and go to any server/hoster ask them to also install it for me on theirs, since I have a valid license. So long as that license is used just for me or if I purchase a server license. Either way I would not like to incur any extra costs in trying to use somthing that I can get for free.

    I would just like to know how to create a reference to the 3rd party product on DASP's servers.

    I don't believe this is a hard question to have answered. I'm sure there are at least a couple people who use any of the componenets DASP offers which it has already purchased licenses for, or am I wrong?
  6. Hi IronMan, I use log4net component only but I don?t need to install it on DASP. I use it from my bin directory and I?m happy because I don?t need somebody (usually server administrator to install or uninstall or upgrade it). Most .net components works in this scenario. If you have license, than this scenario do not prohibit you to use your components on DASP. You are wrong if you think that DASP will give you some components just because you are their client. DASP can give discount for a lot of components. Also DASP can install a lot of components in GAC, but once again why do you need to depend of DASP to use your components ?
    Alexei Cioina.
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  7. What error there is no error. How do I grab a reference to that library for the 3rd party control so I can use their APIs? Can I just develop on my box and point to the reference on your server? Is it accessible like that?

    Then anyone can use your license. How do people create refrences to those controls?

  8. "...How do people create refrences to those controls?". Very simple for components written in .Net.
    1.Buy licence from oficial vendor.
    2. Instal components on your local computer.
    3. Copy DLL-s from components installation folder to you project subfolder (usualy lib).
    4. Point your project reference to lib subfolder.
    5. Compile your solution.
    6. Deploy your compiledsolution output(usually bin) on DASP.
  9. Hi Cioina,

    I don't expect them to give me any components on my local machine because I am a client. I am fully aware they bought it, it's their license on their server. Didn't even know they would give us a discount. I am not looking to purchase it. I just need a reference to the .nET component without purchasing it. I guess I'll download the trial, have it on the GAC and access it from there. When on the server all components should already be in the GAC so it should work the same. I guess that's the only way.
  10. It is ok if you use trial (from GAC) on your local machine and full version on DASP (also from GAC). Ask the administrator if such component has been installed. Also I suggest you to make a simple web application which use only one component to test. If you will have problem than post this forum the full exception.
    Best regards.

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