Buzzstream - & email integration not syncing (imap)

Discussion in 'Email' started by Nelly, May 29, 2014.

  1. Hi

    i wonder if anyone uses the buzzstream outreach services successfully with email services?

    The services uses imap to log / track email communication.

    Its a stab in the dark but here's my issue;

    I can send emails from within buzzstream (a web based outreach solution) which records the sent email ok


    if i reply externally there is no record (received) from within buzzstream!

    We've tried creating email users with different settings to no avail.

    The buzzstream team have been helpful so far but im convinced its a server setting and im willing to accept that im wrong as all works ok in mail client (outlook) when testing send / receive etc

    I can log into the mailserver and i can see the emails in both directions.

    Buzzstream uses imap to "sync" and record email communication with prospects and stmp to send mail.

    Within buzzstream it lets you know that you have successfully connected to the imap server which shows ok and fails if the wrong credentials are entered so from that i can assume that its working / connecting ok.

    Any ideas?

    Any one already using buzzstream with discount asp mail servers?

    i welcome any ideas to help resolve what i believe is probably a simple solution

    many thanks

  2. FrankC

    FrankC DiscountASP.NET Staff

    Sorry.. I am not familiar with how Buzzstream works.

    Do you get any error messages from Buzzstream? What did their support staff suggest?
  3. Hi Frank

    no error messages from within buzzstream.

    Tim from the buzzstream team has so far logged into the account to check email settings - which were correct and he has arranged another session to try and sort the issue but this is planned with my VA and hasn't taken place yet due to the time differences.

    Ive tried "tweaking" thing bit by bit from within the main discountasp admin account and through the user account.

    imap works fine through outlook (2010) and ive checked the settings in outlook to ensure that messages aren't deleted etc

    hope that helps

  4. martino

    martino DiscountASP.NET Staff

    What options do you get in buzzstream when you're entering the IMAP information. Can you provide us with a screen shot of those settings buzzstream is asking for?

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