Calling web service from html

Discussion in 'HTML / PHP / JavaScript / CSS' started by wrath, Mar 21, 2009.

  1. I have a wcf web service hosted at discountasp. It is working fine in silverlight and from VS, but I would like to run a scheduler to trigger a particular function once a week.

    I believe it can be done by calling my service from html using some javascript for help but I havent been able to get any of the examples I looked at working.

    Any advice on how to accomplish this?

    Can the scheduler call directly into and trigger a service method?

  2. Joseph Jun

    Joseph Jun DiscountASP.NET Staff

    I'm assuming you're referring to the Scheduled Task utility that's in the DiscountASP.NET Control Panel?

    If so, the utility will not follow redirects, it just makes a simple HTTP call to a file and if a HTTP 200 response is returned from the web server, it's considered complete.

    Since there needs to be some data submitted to invoke a particular method, I don't think there's an easy way around it.

    I know it's probably the least advanced solution that you might hear but there was a particular script that I needed to run every ten minutes. I ended up creating a batch file that launched Internet Explorer with a URL appended to it and had it run as a scheduled task in Windows XP.

    It worked like a charm as it bypassed a lot of the limitations but I ended up throwing in some JavaScript code to close the browser window as I had forgot that it was running and you could imagine how many windows were open.
  3. I wanted to use the tool at

    to trigger a web service method by accessing a webpage

    I got this expired cache thing working, it wasnt repeating like it was supposed to but I can trigger it to run one time from the scheduled-task

    pretty cool work around that guy figured out...

    what a coworker showed me which I got working and seems really easy compared to everything else I found from googling.. is this...

    start menu -> microsoft visual studio 2008 -> visual studio tools -> visual studio command prompt

    then using the command wsdl, do : wsdl /? for info

    if you run


    it will create a Myservice.cs file which you can then add to an asp web app project, then you can reference the webservice in your project like this

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Web;
    using System.Web.UI;
    using System.Web.UI.WebControls;

    namespace WebApplication
    public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    MyService myService = new MyService();
    string message = myService.GetTest();

    and trigger it from scheduled-task.aspx by pointing to in this case
    I think you can pass values by putting them in the url
  4. You could also simply add a Service Reference to your website in Visual Studio 2008.
  5. I see...

    I had done that with my silverlight app, never built site before which is why I was asking about javascript to trigger my webservice. Wouldnt have minded that info a few days ago, but still I learned a lot in the process.

    Thanks for letting me know you can just add web service to asp app. I feel like I knew that, but I dont think any of the dozens of web searches I did returned anything suggesting such. They all had convoluted ways of doing it...
  6. Hi,

    Thanks for your solution. But, these methods wont work for me. I am working in a shared server platform and the package required for creating the perl object through "new Perl" is not installed and not possible for installation also.

    I need some htaccess way if possible. Also, I would like to know if there is some method by which PHP will run from HTML pages and also SSI will run to execute perl scripts.

    Might be I am asking too much in one go

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