can my sites' simple login and form pages work under KB-Q10413 rule??

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by brea245, Apr 1, 2008.

  1. Hi, wondering if this rule on config ASP.NET 2 membership/roles provider will
    work on activating my site login and form pagesdone in aspx .

    Have created web config in VWD and run the ASP.NET Configuration tool.
      1. Save and close the web.config.
      2. Go to Website menu, and run the ASP.NET Configuration tool. This will open the Web Site Administration tool.
      3. In the Web Site Administration tool, go to the Security tab.
      4. Click on "Select authentication type".
      5. Select "From the internet". Click the Done button.
      6. Create your admin roles and users.
      7. Then create access rules.
      8. Create a rule that applies to the "Anonymous users" with "Deny" permissions.
      9. Create another rule that applies to the admin role you created with "Allow" permissions.
      10. Your application is now ready to use the membership provider, and you can begin creating your login forms.
    One question I have is in step #6 what doI input to create admin roles and users?
  2. The ASP.Net configuration Tool is where you setup the users, roles, and access rules to your site. I suggest you look through this kb article for some guidelines on how to setup the membership roles provider.

    You might also want to quickly glance at this link for more indepth information on the ASP.Net Configuration Tool, and specifically the Security tab.


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