Can someone pls help me creating a schema on a remote server

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by bigmike40, Mar 17, 2007.

  1. Hello

    How do i create a schema on a remote site instead of my local machine. For example iwould liketo run a membershiproleremotely. Can i log on tomy

    remote host database and runa cmd.... and if so which cmd would i use... and how do i go aboutdoing it. oris therea easyer method.

    i'm using SQLEXPRESS AND VWD05 and i would like to run SQL2000

  2. Edwards,

    Are you reffering to adding the Membership Provider schema to your database on Discountasp? If so, in SQLExpress you can create scripts and simply run them on the remote sql server to create the neccesary table, views and stored procedures.

    If this is what you are refering to let me know and I can give you directions (if you don't know how).

  3. I ran the regsq.exe and it work thanks
  4. This is a two part question

    1--What i meant was example.I recently created a database aspnet.mdf in the membership roles. and upload it on to the server .Now if i wereto remove / make changes to this database
    do i need to recreate a new schema on the server againusing the procedures iout-line in my last post.
    2--- Can i upload more that one database and if so would i have to run the same procedure again. that is what meant by everytime i upload
    I'm a newbie so forgive me for not being too clear on my question[​IMG]
    Thank you

    3 ---another question which is thebest way ofmanaging my membership user account,inaspnet admin or on the server database?
  5. Everytime i upload a new database do have to run this procedure?
  6. This will create the membership schema.What exactly do you mean by uploading your database everytime?
    You may use the attach tool in the Control Panel,if you want to attach your local membership data file (mdf) to our server everytime.

    Actually,once you have the schema created remotely,you can use the 'ASP.NET Configuration Tool' (see: to add data(users/roles etc) directly to the remote server .This can be done by updating the LocalSqlServer connection string in your web.config point to remote server instead of local Sql Express.You can avoid the hassle of uploading the membership database everytime you make changes locally.



    Post Edited (vvsharma) : 3/20/2007 2:27:28 AM GMT
  7. 1>Everytime you add/remove data to the database aspnet.mdf,you dont need to recreate the schema eveytime.Schema is just the set of tables/relationships/stored procedures it creates on your database.

    2>You can use the utility to create the schema two times.Once again,schema is not a database,its what i described in step 1.One schema should be fine for any application using the membership provider.

    3>As I had mentioned in my previous post,you can use the ASP.NET Configuration Tool' (see: to add data(users/roles etc) directly to the remote server by updating the LocalSqlServer connection string in your web.config point to remote server instead of local Sql Express.You can avoid the hassle of uploading the membership database everytime you make changes locally.


  8. Ok now i do understand. Is it better to store user account locally to save
    database space ....or it wont make much diff if it is save on the serveri?
    Thanks for all your help

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