Cannot get RichTextBox to work

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by Aristotle, Apr 12, 2006.

  1. This version of RichTextBox only works in IE. If you are using Firefox, you won't see any of the RichTextBox buttons. I believe we'll be upgrading to the latest (and more Mozilla-browser compatible) version soon.


  2. I've copied the VB code in the KB article Q10251 - HOWTO: RicherComponents RichTextBox Sample Code

    I put it in the root directory of my site then followed the instruction in the KB article:

    NOTE: For the RichTextBox component to work properly, you must upload the button style folders in the images directory.

    I downloaded the RichTextBox trial package and uploaded the five directories in the trial package images directory into the images directory in the root directory of my site.

    This is my file: RichTextBox.aspx

    <%@ Page Language='VB' ValidateRequest='False' %>
    <%@ Register TagPrefix='RTB' Namespace='RichTextBoxControl' Assembly='RichTextBox, Version=, Culture=Neutral, PublicKeyToken=17b15412cfbf13c1' %>
    <script runat='server'>
    Sub Page_Load()
    If (IsPostBack) Then
    Label1.Text = RichTextBox1.Text
    RichTextBox1.Text = 'Change page content...'
    Label1.Text = RichTextBox1.Text
    End If
    End Sub


    <form runat='server' ID='Form1'>
    <RTB:richtextbox id='RichTextBox1' runat='server' ButtonImagePath='/images/standard/' />
    <asp:button id='Submit' text='Submit' runat='server' />
    <asp:label id='Label1' runat='server' />

    But I cannot see the RichText Box - all I get is a standard multiple line text box which works but doesn't have any Rich Text functionality. The images of the buttons fail to appear.

    Where have I gone wrong? Can anyone help?

    The page is at:

    My site is running ASP.NET 2.0. This component is supposed to be very easy to use. Is there something I should have done that's not mentioned in the KB article?

    I'd really appreciate any help anyone can offer.

    Is there anything else I can use instead of RichTextBox?


  3. Many thanks. Works fine in IE.

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