Cannot install XML-SOAP SDKs for Paypal Pro integration. So now what?

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by dwfresh, Mar 22, 2007.

  1. Hi,
    I have purchased the paypal website payments pro package, and downloaded the SDK libraries that I am supposed to use to process transactions. (I am using 2.0).
    However, I was told that we cannot install this SDK on these servers, so does this mean that we can only use the name-value pair API that paypal provides. i'm slightly confused. If anyone has done this with a ASP.NET project (preferably 2.0), PLEASE let me know how i can get started or send me sample code.
  2. You should be able to use Paypal's SOAP interface. There's nothing preventing your website from making a web reference call to Paypal's API.

    The best source I've found for getting started is Paypal's developer forum:

    Paypal gives you 2 options for credentials; signature or certificate. I recommend using the API signature instead of a certificate, so you don't have to deal with installing certificates on the server.


  3. great, thanks for your help. I think i'll be able to figure this out eventually. My main problem was that the SDK samples needed VS 2003 and 1.1
    I only have VS 2005 and 2.0 and didn't feel like dealing with installing all that just to look at a sample app.
    Thanks again.

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