I get the following error message from the code below (note: av is turned off) where "HostedDomain" is my dasp domain - thanks in advance for any help. Message "Failure sending mail." InnerException {"Unable to connect to the remote server"} System.Exception {System.Net.WebException} MailMessage message = new MailMessage(); MailAddress fromAddress = new MailAddress("[email protected]", "user name"); message.From = fromAddress; message.To.Add("[email protected]"); message.Subject = "subject"; message.IsBodyHtml = false; message.Attachments.Add(new System.Net.Mail.Attachment(filename)); SmtpClient mailClient = new SmtpClient(); NetworkCredential credential = new NetworkCredential("[email protected]", "password"); mailClient.Host = "smtp.HostedDomain.com"; mailClient.UseDefaultCredentials = false; mailClient.Credentials = credential; mailClient.Send(message);