Can't delete directory on my site ?

Discussion in 'General troubleshooting' started by albanello, Jun 28, 2008.

  1. Hi

    I was tring to clean up my site, at DASP,and tried to delete some directories, using FTP, and got a error message.

    "FTP Folder Error"

    "An error occured deleteing the file or folder on the FTP Server. Make sure you have permission to access this folder"

    550 [DirectoryName]: The directory is not empty."

    I looked in the folder and it appears to be empty. Can anyone help !

    Thanks in advance
  2. Hi,
    There are several reasons this can happen.
    I've seen a few myself.

    You can contact DASP Support, from your Control Panel.
    Or use the very handy Web Explorer tool:

    It's easy to setup and with it you can not only remove files and folders that are locked or hidden...
    You can also use it on your site to make code changes or even FTP files onto the server.
    Worth checking out. [​IMG]
  3. wisemx

    I have downloaded "WebExplorer Lite" and have a few questions. The "Server requirements" and "Setup" are from the GleanTech documentation.

    1) Does DASP already have the "Server Requirements" available to me ?
    2) All I have to do is:
    - unzip the download
    - create a directory in my Web Application Root and FTP the unzipped file to that directory ?
    3) once this is all done. How do I start this program ?????

    Server requirements:
    -Microsoft Windows Script 5.1+
    -Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.5+
    -No 3rd party components are required

    Just upload the contents of the distribution to a folder in your web root like "wexlite", no other configurations are required.
    Default password is "tester". Edit "config.asp" to customize the settings which are explained by comments."

  4. Hi,
    You do not need to configure anything, it will run as is.

    If you are hesitant and want me to set it up on your server let me know, no charge.
    I've used that on several of my sites here, for Classic ASP and ASP.NET, it works great.

    Also came in handy to remove some PHP files that were locked.
    I don't write PHP code but tested an app here that created some nasty locks.
    That lite version of the tool took care of it.
  5. Here's what I did...
    1. Created a folder on my site named "xtree".
      Back in the late 80's my favorite file manager was Xtree. [​IMG]
    2. Uploaded all of the Web Explorer Lite files into that folder.
      It will create subfolders, "images" and "plugins".
    3. Edit the root file "config.asp", you can use any text editor.
      Make sure you change the password in that file.
      i.e. Const wexPassword = "YourSuperDuperPasswordHere"
    4. Upload those files and folders and you're done.

    You do not need to configure anything, it will work as is.
    No need to change anything in your Control Panel.
    Just hit that page, i.e.
    Then enter with the password you created.
  6. Hi wisemx

    I appreciate the offer, to set it up for me. I always have reservation about doing something new that could break something that is working. But if it is something I can do myself I would like to do it so I can learn. I would however appreciate it if you would walk me through it and if I have a problem help me fix it.

    Are my steps for installation correct:
    1) Create a directory in my DASP Web site Root called "wexlite"
    2) unzip the downloaded file to my local computer.
    3) FTP ALL the the unzipped files to my DASP Web site directory called "wexlite"
    4) Done

    1) Does this web application need a certain .net framework ? My site is running under version 1.1.
    2) How do I use the web application. I assume there will be a HTTP URL, I will put in my web browser, will it be "HTTP://"

  7. wisemx

    Sorry I haven't responded sooner to you last post. I have not had a chance to install WebXLite yet. As soon as I do I'll let you know how it went.

  8. Hi,
    I fully understand anyone with a need for more time. [​IMG]
    If you end up needing my help with this let me know.
  9. wisemx

    Well I installed WeXLite and it works great. No problems! With WeXLite I was able to see a file left in the folder that must have been hidden "__vti_cnf", that's probably why I kept get the unable to delete Error message when I tried to delete the folders. WeXLite deleted the folder without any problem.

    Thanks for all your help
    Harley riders rule

    albanello (Sportster)
  10. Wexlite - workekd form= me

    I had begun to receive an error approximately "parser error..." , can't use the file (various .resx files) becase "it conflicts with another version of the same file" or "another file of the same name". I didn't copy the error.

    Anyway, I was trying to make a clean start, because the site was running at another host just fine. I thought deleting everything and starting over might fix it.

    Fine, except that couldn't delete stuff. blah blah blah.

    Found this thread, pushed Wexlite up with change of password and setting permissions on directory, and voila - deleted everything, except Wexlite.

    Thanks for the tip.
  11. ...Cool. This is an older thread but that tool has been brought up a lot recently and I'm going to try and publish a Webcast on using it here today. We got their permission.
    All the best,

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