Can you send us the full ftp log? This will help us look through what is going on in the backend between your ftp client and our server. rcp DiscountASP.NET www.DiscountASP.NET
Just set up a new site on 2008/IIS 7. I have two other sites here. They are on 2003/IIS 6. I cannot for the life of me sign in with FTP using any client I have. However, I WAS able to FTP with IE 7 (boy, is THAT ever slow). My main client is the FireFTP addon, which I understand is supposed to work with IIS 7. It know it works great on my IIS 6 sites. I have tried every combination of host address and security settings, and I keep getting 'User cannot log in'. I am using the alternate host address (the site is new) and I checked to make sure FTP was started and there were no IP restrictions. What makes this so weird is that I CAN log on using Internet Explorer, just not FireFTP. Any ideas? Post Edited (MusicMedia Productions) : 11/17/2008 4:07:01 AM GMT
DEBUG: ({account:'', host:'', port:'21', login:'0080583|leedumondco', password:'', anonymous:false, security:'', pasvmode:true, ipmode:false, treesync:true, localdir:'C:\\Documents and Settings\\Lee\\My Documents\\My Web Sites\\Graffiti-1.1\\Graffiti\\Web', remotedir:'/leedumondco', webhost:'', prefix:'/leedumondco', downloadcasemode:0, uploadcasemode:0, encoding:'UTF-8', notes:'', timezone:-120, folder:'', privatekey:''}) DEBUG: gConcurrent:1, gMaxCon:10, gRefreshMode:true, gTempPasvMode:true, gLoadUrl:false, fileMode:1, hiddenMode:false, keepAliveMode:true, networkTimeout:30, proxyHost:, proxyPort:0, proxyType:, activePortMode:false, activeLow:1, activeHigh:65535, reconnectMode:true, sessionsMode:true, timestampsMode:false, useCompression:true, integrityMode:true, userAgent:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008102920 Firefox/3.0.4 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729) 220-Microsoft FTP Service 220 FTP USER 0080583|leedumondco 331 Password required for 0080583|leedumondco. PASS (password not shown) 530 User cannot log in. Unable to make a connection. Please try again.
Hello, anyone? Has anyone gotten FireFTP to work with IIS 7? If so, how did you do it? Thus far, I have ONLY been able to FTP to my files with IE 7 or Windows Explorer.
WTH? Now, it has suddenly started working. I didn't change a thing, and for some reason the server seems to like my credentials all of a sudden. I like when this happens, because it's one less think I have to struggle around. But then again, I kinda hate it too, because I guess I'll never know what was causing the problem in the first place.. /emoticons/smilewinkgrin.gif Thanks for the response anyway guys (or ladies?). I am loving me some FireFTP once again.
Cool btw...That post about "Google may kill Bikers" is interesting. I've been an active biker on the public roads since 1979 and do see more and more zombies each day. Have always built my own bikes and live by the code that a quick belch from my pipes will wake them. My current monster is a street legal 9 second twincam that can wake the dead. Salute, Mark Technical Evangelist for DiscountASP.NET (Microsoft IT Usability
Hi, My Dev system fried and I can't do any testing for you right now but... I was using Firefox/FireFTP to FTP to the DASP iis7 test server, it worked great for me. Are you using the correct username? On the IIS7 servers you have a special FTP username. I didn't do anything special with FireFTP, just used the same connection bits I used in VS2008. Salute, Mark Technical Evangelist for DiscountASP.NET (Microsoft IT Usability