Cant Login using ASP.NET Login Control and using "Remember me" option

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by Lisandro, Jun 1, 2006.

  1. The problem is:

    You log and it postback without login, just if you set the "Remember me" on.

    In the local IIS server logs allright
  2. Solution:

    Its needed add this to web.config

    <forms name=".ASPXAUTH"
    timeout="999999" />

    Some IE with some servers, cant handle the default cookie created if without this especification...

  3. [​IMG]I m just curious about which are the specific versions of IE couldn't handle the authentication correctly.

    Will the new Internet Explorer 7 Beta 2 handle it right?[​IMG]

    J. Bey
    Free-lancer IT Pro.
    "Life is tough...but programming is FuN"</CODE>
  4. I have two IE 6.0, one its up to datewith automatic updates(This I cant login), another just with with sp2 login normal.

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