Cant seem to create a new web app

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by rmvanduyn, Sep 11, 2006.

  1. I can't seem to create a new web app.

    I am trying to install communityserver

    I create a sub directory inside by root directory

    I load the files

    I set up the subdirectory as an application

    When I run the installer normally I get a communityserver error page

    So then I comment out the 'custom error' error section in the web.config, and then it begins using the web.config further down in my root directory!

    Thanks for any advice!

  2. More info...

    I just tried creating a simple 'hello world' aspx web page and that too fails.

    If I leave the communityserver web.config file alone, I get redirected to the community server error page.

    If I comment out the error handler section in the web.config, it starts trying to use my web.config from further down the directory tree.

    I am a total new-bie so I suppose I am doing something basic wrong with setting up the application directory structure. (

  3. So I just tried creating a simple app with one page etc.

    Also does not work...

    Uses the root directory web.config file instead of the sub directories web.config file.

  4. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    Yeah.. most people think the web.config is only inherited from the application root like how global.asax is.

    >>>HOWEVER I was wondering given this hierarchical nature is there a way to make the assemblies and httpModules in the root application available in the children without copying them to the children's bin directories?

    The dll has to be in the bin folder of the application.


  5. Bruce,

    Thanks... no way to make a pointer or something to the stuff in the Bin file? Seems like microsoft didn't quite think that one out completely...

  6. Hey Mitch,

    I managed to get CommunityServer installed, but I removed it after a couple days.

    Anyways, I downloaded the web installer version. There is some installation documentation that says prior to uploading you need to modify a setting in the Installer\Default.aspx file. I can't exactly remember, but if you open that file in notepad, there will be a line that says something like "UseWebInstaller = False", which you need to change to true. This tripped me up when I installed, because I knew I had to change it, but forgot to change it when I ftp'd the files.

    Sorry I couldn't be more exact, but have you made any changes like that?

  7. Thanks Ron.

    I further investigated and it seems to have nothing to do with CommunityServer. I can't even get a simple 'Hello World' App to work.

    It must be something in my root directory or the way I am setting up my sub-applications.

    BUT... By the way... you didn't like communityserver? Did you pick something else?

  8. About my install/removal of CommunityServer - it was just a "practice run" at the time. Just seeing how the installation would go and what it felt like administering the site. I added a bunch of fake users, then wanted to delete them, then found out it was nearly impossible to delete a user, so I had discountasp admin delete the entire database for me. I mostly use my website for testing purposes, nothing live.

    Anyways, your site is ASP.NET right? And you want to install a sub-directory to run as a web application, but no .aspx pages are running from it? Can you provide a URL of a page in a sub-dir that is configured as a web application that doesn't work?

  9. I just figured out what my problem was... (I should just go to bed instead of staying up all night trying to figure these things out...)

    I did not realize that web.config is hiearachical, and that the upper levels inherit the settings from the lower levels unless you explicitly clear them.

    So I needed to clear assemblies and httpModules

    HOWEVER I was wondering given this hierarchical nature is there a way to make the assemblies and httpModules in the root application available in the children without copying them to the children's bin directories?

  10. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    yeah.. i was kinda confused when i first found this out but I can't really think of a reason why they design it to work this way for IIS 6.

    With IIS 7.0, this completely make sense though. On IIS 7.0, you can also store web server configuration (eg. directoryBrowsing) in the web.config file which you want to inherit from the root down.



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