Can't update my site with FTP

Discussion in 'General troubleshooting' started by Gurduloo, Mar 8, 2010.

  1. Everytime I try to update my site via FTP, it seems to fail. My client (WS_FTP Pro) starts uploading, but then after a few small files, it quits when it hits a larger file. It gets about 500 kb of the larger file uploaded, then reports error 550. This has happened to me before, but after 10 to 20 tries, I could usually get my stuff uploaded. But no longer, now it fails every single time.

    I'm open to using other methods to update my site, but I've always had the impression that FTP is the "easiest".

    Here's some of the gibberish from the FTP client if it helps...
    Starting request
    TYPE I
    200 Type set to I.
    227 Entering Passive Mode (96,31,43,132,19,236).
    connecting data channel to,236(5100)
    data channel connected to,236(5100)
    STOR AjaxControlToolkit.dll
    125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
    hResRead: 0,  hResWrite:a0310036
    Error reading response from server.
    transferred 487424 bytes in 112.847 seconds, 33.745 Kbps ( 4.218 Kbps), transfer failed.
    It appears that the connection is dead.  Attempting reconnect...
    STOR AjaxControlToolkit.dll
    550 The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. 
    Transfer request completed with status: Failed, 1 SubItem(s) failed
  2. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    try stop your site first in the control panel (and recycle the application).
  3. I had stopped the site already. I think the problem may have been my FTP client - I just now tried with FileZilla and and it worked fine (much faster than usual in fact). So I think my problem is solved.

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