Can't write to Access db

Discussion in 'Classic ASP' started by bamodeo, Apr 28, 2003.

Thread Status:
Threads that have been inactive for 5 years or longer are closed to further replies. Please start a new thread.
  1. I saw the previous posts about using FrontPage, however I have FTP'd a guestbook application to my site that does allow writing to the database without doing anything else. You can see it at:

    It came from a web site called which has some good apps for free.

    I scaled it down to a REALLY simple app, so I can understand how to do the programming. My test app is at:

    If you enter a user ID of "jdoe" or "jsmith" it tells you that it is a duplicate user ID, which is true. So, I know it is reading the database ok.

    However, when I try to create a record by entering another user ID, I get the error:

    The page cannot be displayed
    There is a problem with the page you are trying to reach and it cannot be displayed.


    Please try the following:

    Open the home page, and then look for links to the information you want.
    Click the Refresh button, or try again later.

    Click Search to look for information on the Internet.
    You can also see a list of related sites.

    HTTP 500 - Internal server error
    Internet Explorer

    Here is the code:

    'Dimension variables

    Dim adoCon 'Database Connection Variable
    Dim strCon 'Holds the Database driver and the path and name of the database
    Dim rsRegisterUser 'Database Recordset Variable
    Dim strAccessDB 'Holds the Access Database Name
    Dim strSQL 'Database query sring

    Dim strInputUserID 'Holds the user ID
    Dim strInputFirstName 'Holds the user first name
    Dim strInputLastName 'Holds the user last name

    'Initalise the user entered variables

    strInputUserID = Request.Form("userID")
    strInputFirstName = Request.Form("firstName")
    strInputLastName = Request.Form("lastName")

    strAccessDB = "Users"
    Set adoCon = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    strCon = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};uid=;pwd=; DBQ=" & Server.MapPath(strAccessDB)
    adoCon.Open strCon
    Set rsRegisterUser = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

    strSQL = "SELECT tblUsers.userID FROM tblUsers WHERE tblUsers.userID ='" & strInputUserID & "'"
    rsRegisterUser.Open strSQL, strCon

    If NOT rsRegisterUser.EOF Then
    Set adoCon = Nothing
    Set strCon = Nothing
    Set rsRegisterUser = Nothing
    Response.Redirect "duplicate_user.htm"
    End If


    Response.Redirect "got_here.htm" '*** it does not get here!! It dies on the line above ***

    rsRegisterUser.Fields("userID") = strInputUserID
    rsRegisterUser.Fields("firstName") = strInputFirstName
    rsRegisterUser.Fields("lastName") = strInputLastName

    Set adoCon = Nothing
    Set strCon = Nothing
    Set rsRegisterUser = Nothing


    I put in a comment where the code is dying.

    My questions:

    1) Is there any error handling that I can put in the code so I get more than the 500 error?

    2) How do I get this to write to the database. I'd be happy to zip up the app and send it to anyone who is willing to look at it. It is simple as possible. Once I get the basics working, then I'll build a reall application around it.


  2. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    quote:Originally posted by bamodeo
    1) Is there any error handling that I can put in the code so I get more than the 500 error?

    You should see this error once you have done this.

    ADODB.Recordset error '800a0cb3'

    Current Recordset does not support updating. This may be a limitation of the provider, or of the selected locktype.

    /test/add_user.asp, line 38

    I saw the previous posts about using FrontPage, however I have FTP'd a guestbook application to my site that does allow writing to the database without doing anything else. You can see it at:

    It came from a web site called which has some good apps for free.

    I scaled it down to a REALLY simple app, so I can understand how to do the programming. My test app is at:

    If you enter a user ID of "jdoe" or "jsmith" it tells you that it is a duplicate user ID, which is true. So, I know it is reading the database ok.

    However, when I try to create a record by entering another user ID, I get the error:

    The page cannot be displayed
    There is a problem with the page you are trying to reach and it cannot be displayed.


    Please try the following:

    Open the home page, and then look for links to the information you want.
    Click the Refresh button, or try again later.

    Click Search to look for information on the Internet.
    You can also see a list of related sites.

    HTTP 500 - Internal server error
    Internet Explorer

    Here is the code:

    'Dimension variables

    Dim adoCon 'Database Connection Variable
    Dim strCon 'Holds the Database driver and the path and name of the database
    Dim rsRegisterUser 'Database Recordset Variable
    Dim strAccessDB 'Holds the Access Database Name
    Dim strSQL 'Database query sring

    Dim strInputUserID 'Holds the user ID
    Dim strInputFirstName 'Holds the user first name
    Dim strInputLastName 'Holds the user last name

    'Initalise the user entered variables

    strInputUserID = Request.Form("userID")
    strInputFirstName = Request.Form("firstName")
    strInputLastName = Request.Form("lastName")

    strAccessDB = "Users"
    Set adoCon = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    strCon = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};uid=;pwd=; DBQ=" & Server.MapPath(strAccessDB)
    adoCon.Open strCon
    Set rsRegisterUser = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

    strSQL = "SELECT tblUsers.userID FROM tblUsers WHERE tblUsers.userID ='" & strInputUserID & "'"
    rsRegisterUser.Open strSQL, strCon

    If NOT rsRegisterUser.EOF Then
    Set adoCon = Nothing
    Set strCon = Nothing
    Set rsRegisterUser = Nothing
    Response.Redirect "duplicate_user.htm"
    End If


    Response.Redirect "got_here.htm" '*** it does not get here!! It dies on the line above ***

    rsRegisterUser.Fields("userID") = strInputUserID
    rsRegisterUser.Fields("firstName") = strInputFirstName
    rsRegisterUser.Fields("lastName") = strInputLastName

    Set adoCon = Nothing
    Set strCon = Nothing
    Set rsRegisterUser = Nothing


    I put in a comment where the code is dying.

    My questions:

    1) Is there any error handling that I can put in the code so I get more than the 500 error?

    2) How do I get this to write to the database. I'd be happy to zip up the app and send it to anyone who is willing to look at it. It is simple as possible. Once I get the basics working, then I'll build a reall application around it.


    </blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">
  3. Bruce,

    Yes, this is the error I now see. Can you (or anyone) help diagnose why? This is a simple application!

    Any help is appreciated,


    quote:Originally posted by bruce

    quote:Originally posted by bamodeo
    1) Is there any error handling that I can put in the code so I get more than the 500 error?


    You should see this error once you have done this.

    ADODB.Recordset error '800a0cb3'

    Current Recordset does not support updating. This may be a limitation of the provider, or of the selected locktype.

    /test/add_user.asp, line 38

    I saw the previous posts about using FrontPage, however I have FTP'd a guestbook application to my site that does allow writing to the database without doing anything else. You can see it at:

    It came from a web site called which has some good apps for free.

    I scaled it down to a REALLY simple app, so I can understand how to do the programming. My test app is at:

    If you enter a user ID of "jdoe" or "jsmith" it tells you that it is a duplicate user ID, which is true. So, I know it is reading the database ok.

    However, when I try to create a record by entering another user ID, I get the error:

    The page cannot be displayed
    There is a problem with the page you are trying to reach and it cannot be displayed.


    Please try the following:

    Open the home page, and then look for links to the information you want.
    Click the Refresh button, or try again later.

    Click Search to look for information on the Internet.
    You can also see a list of related sites.

    HTTP 500 - Internal server error
    Internet Explorer

    Here is the code:

    'Dimension variables

    Dim adoCon 'Database Connection Variable
    Dim strCon 'Holds the Database driver and the path and name of the database
    Dim rsRegisterUser 'Database Recordset Variable
    Dim strAccessDB 'Holds the Access Database Name
    Dim strSQL 'Database query sring

    Dim strInputUserID 'Holds the user ID
    Dim strInputFirstName 'Holds the user first name
    Dim strInputLastName 'Holds the user last name

    'Initalise the user entered variables

    strInputUserID = Request.Form("userID")
    strInputFirstName = Request.Form("firstName")
    strInputLastName = Request.Form("lastName")

    strAccessDB = "Users"
    Set adoCon = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    strCon = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};uid=;pwd=; DBQ=" & Server.MapPath(strAccessDB)
    adoCon.Open strCon
    Set rsRegisterUser = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

    strSQL = "SELECT tblUsers.userID FROM tblUsers WHERE tblUsers.userID ='" & strInputUserID & "'"
    rsRegisterUser.Open strSQL, strCon

    If NOT rsRegisterUser.EOF Then
    Set adoCon = Nothing
    Set strCon = Nothing
    Set rsRegisterUser = Nothing
    Response.Redirect "duplicate_user.htm"
    End If


    Response.Redirect "got_here.htm" '*** it does not get here!! It dies on the line above ***

    rsRegisterUser.Fields("userID") = strInputUserID
    rsRegisterUser.Fields("firstName") = strInputFirstName
    rsRegisterUser.Fields("lastName") = strInputLastName

    Set adoCon = Nothing
    Set strCon = Nothing
    Set rsRegisterUser = Nothing


    I put in a comment where the code is dying.

    My questions:

    1) Is there any error handling that I can put in the code so I get more than the 500 error?

    2) How do I get this to write to the database. I'd be happy to zip up the app and send it to anyone who is willing to look at it. It is simple as possible. Once I get the basics working, then I'll build a reall application around it.


    </blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">
    </blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">
  4. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    Your locktype is wrong..

    check out this article :

    If you just want a simple asp sample to insert something into the db, see below


    Dim cnnSimple ' ADO connection
    Dim rstSimple ' ADO recordset
    Set cnnSimple = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

    ' DSN
    cnnSimple.Open ("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("\test.mdb"))
    cnnSimple.Execute("insert into tblContact (FirstName,LastName,Email) values ('Peter','lucas','[email protected]')")


    Hope this helps

    quote:Originally posted by bamodeo


    Yes, this is the error I now see. Can you (or anyone) help diagnose why? This is a simple application!

    Any help is appreciated,


    quote:Originally posted by bruce

    quote:Originally posted by bamodeo
    1) Is there any error handling that I can put in the code so I get more than the 500 error?


    You should see this error once you have done this.

    ADODB.Recordset error '800a0cb3'

    Current Recordset does not support updating. This may be a limitation of the provider, or of the selected locktype.

    /test/add_user.asp, line 38

    I saw the previous posts about using FrontPage, however I have FTP'd a guestbook application to my site that does allow writing to the database without doing anything else. You can see it at:

    It came from a web site called which has some good apps for free.

    I scaled it down to a REALLY simple app, so I can understand how to do the programming. My test app is at:

    If you enter a user ID of "jdoe" or "jsmith" it tells you that it is a duplicate user ID, which is true. So, I know it is reading the database ok.

    However, when I try to create a record by entering another user ID, I get the error:

    The page cannot be displayed
    There is a problem with the page you are trying to reach and it cannot be displayed.


    Please try the following:

    Open the home page, and then look for links to the information you want.
    Click the Refresh button, or try again later.

    Click Search to look for information on the Internet.
    You can also see a list of related sites.

    HTTP 500 - Internal server error
    Internet Explorer

    Here is the code:

    'Dimension variables

    Dim adoCon 'Database Connection Variable
    Dim strCon 'Holds the Database driver and the path and name of the database
    Dim rsRegisterUser 'Database Recordset Variable
    Dim strAccessDB 'Holds the Access Database Name
    Dim strSQL 'Database query sring

    Dim strInputUserID 'Holds the user ID
    Dim strInputFirstName 'Holds the user first name
    Dim strInputLastName 'Holds the user last name

    'Initalise the user entered variables

    strInputUserID = Request.Form("userID")
    strInputFirstName = Request.Form("firstName")
    strInputLastName = Request.Form("lastName")

    strAccessDB = "Users"
    Set adoCon = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    strCon = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};uid=;pwd=; DBQ=" & Server.MapPath(strAccessDB)
    adoCon.Open strCon
    Set rsRegisterUser = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

    strSQL = "SELECT tblUsers.userID FROM tblUsers WHERE tblUsers.userID ='" & strInputUserID & "'"
    rsRegisterUser.Open strSQL, strCon

    If NOT rsRegisterUser.EOF Then
    Set adoCon = Nothing
    Set strCon = Nothing
    Set rsRegisterUser = Nothing
    Response.Redirect "duplicate_user.htm"
    End If


    Response.Redirect "got_here.htm" '*** it does not get here!! It dies on the line above ***

    rsRegisterUser.Fields("userID") = strInputUserID
    rsRegisterUser.Fields("firstName") = strInputFirstName
    rsRegisterUser.Fields("lastName") = strInputLastName

    Set adoCon = Nothing
    Set strCon = Nothing
    Set rsRegisterUser = Nothing


    I put in a comment where the code is dying.

    My questions:

    1) Is there any error handling that I can put in the code so I get more than the 500 error?

    2) How do I get this to write to the database. I'd be happy to zip up the app and send it to anyone who is willing to look at it. It is simple as possible. Once I get the basics working, then I'll build a reall application around it.


    </blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">
    </blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">
    </blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">
  5. Bruce, your example worked great! Thanks for the help!


    quote:Originally posted by bruce

    Your locktype is wrong..

    check out this article :

    If you just want a simple asp sample to insert something into the db, see below


    Dim cnnSimple ' ADO connection
    Dim rstSimple ' ADO recordset
    Set cnnSimple = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

    ' DSN
    cnnSimple.Open ("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("\test.mdb"))
    cnnSimple.Execute("insert into tblContact (FirstName,LastName,Email) values ('Peter','lucas','[email protected]')")


    Hope this helps

    quote:Originally posted by bamodeo


    Yes, this is the error I now see. Can you (or anyone) help diagnose why? This is a simple application!

    Any help is appreciated,


    quote:Originally posted by bruce

    quote:Originally posted by bamodeo
    1) Is there any error handling that I can put in the code so I get more than the 500 error?


    You should see this error once you have done this.

    ADODB.Recordset error '800a0cb3'

    Current Recordset does not support updating. This may be a limitation of the provider, or of the selected locktype.

    /test/add_user.asp, line 38

    I saw the previous posts about using FrontPage, however I have FTP'd a guestbook application to my site that does allow writing to the database without doing anything else. You can see it at:

    It came from a web site called which has some good apps for free.

    I scaled it down to a REALLY simple app, so I can understand how to do the programming. My test app is at:

    If you enter a user ID of "jdoe" or "jsmith" it tells you that it is a duplicate user ID, which is true. So, I know it is reading the database ok.

    However, when I try to create a record by entering another user ID, I get the error:

    The page cannot be displayed
    There is a problem with the page you are trying to reach and it cannot be displayed.


    Please try the following:

    Open the home page, and then look for links to the information you want.
    Click the Refresh button, or try again later.

    Click Search to look for information on the Internet.
    You can also see a list of related sites.

    HTTP 500 - Internal server error
    Internet Explorer

    Here is the code:

    'Dimension variables

    Dim adoCon 'Database Connection Variable
    Dim strCon 'Holds the Database driver and the path and name of the database
    Dim rsRegisterUser 'Database Recordset Variable
    Dim strAccessDB 'Holds the Access Database Name
    Dim strSQL 'Database query sring

    Dim strInputUserID 'Holds the user ID
    Dim strInputFirstName 'Holds the user first name
    Dim strInputLastName 'Holds the user last name

    'Initalise the user entered variables

    strInputUserID = Request.Form("userID")
    strInputFirstName = Request.Form("firstName")
    strInputLastName = Request.Form("lastName")

    strAccessDB = "Users"
    Set adoCon = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    strCon = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};uid=;pwd=; DBQ=" & Server.MapPath(strAccessDB)
    adoCon.Open strCon
    Set rsRegisterUser = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

    strSQL = "SELECT tblUsers.userID FROM tblUsers WHERE tblUsers.userID ='" & strInputUserID & "'"
    rsRegisterUser.Open strSQL, strCon

    If NOT rsRegisterUser.EOF Then
    Set adoCon = Nothing
    Set strCon = Nothing
    Set rsRegisterUser = Nothing
    Response.Redirect "duplicate_user.htm"
    End If


    Response.Redirect "got_here.htm" '*** it does not get here!! It dies on the line above ***

    rsRegisterUser.Fields("userID") = strInputUserID
    rsRegisterUser.Fields("firstName") = strInputFirstName
    rsRegisterUser.Fields("lastName") = strInputLastName

    Set adoCon = Nothing
    Set strCon = Nothing
    Set rsRegisterUser = Nothing


    I put in a comment where the code is dying.

    My questions:

    1) Is there any error handling that I can put in the code so I get more than the 500 error?

    2) How do I get this to write to the database. I'd be happy to zip up the app and send it to anyone who is willing to look at it. It is simple as possible. Once I get the basics working, then I'll build a reall application around it.


    </blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">
    </blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">
    </blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">
    </blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">
Thread Status:
Threads that have been inactive for 5 years or longer are closed to further replies. Please start a new thread.

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