Capacity Plannning

Discussion in 'ASP.NET / ASP.NET Core' started by shivkumarc, Jan 21, 2007.

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  1. I've been using DiscountAsp for almost a year, and was wondering how to plan for capacity. For instance, how many users/pageviews per hour can a shared server usually handle? We want our website to not be unresponsive if we get a very sudden spike in traffic.

    Also, does DiscountASP have an easy migration path from a shared hosting to a virtual dedicated hosting setup. And if that is the case, can I retain my IP address etc?

    What I am looking for is

    * a step by step guide to understand capacity utilization of my shared hosting environment (we can see only bandwidth and storage utilization now - not CPU utilization)
    * a migration path from a shared hosting env. to a dedicated virtual hosting environment hosted by DiscountASP.

  2. In a shared hosting environment,it is really important that resources(CPU,memory etc.) are used in an efficient fashion.Hence to avoid any kind of interference from any inefficient web applications,DASP maintains seperate application pools for each of thier customers i.e each website as it own unique process.Also to avoid excessive usage (due to inefficient apps) of any of the resouces,the web application is recycled under the following conditions:

    1) More than 20 minutes of idle time (no http request in 20 minutes)

    2) The application uses more than 100 MB memory

    3) The application uses more than 75% of CPU time

    Currently DASP does not support a dedicated virtual hosting environment.


  3. Thanks for the information re: no support of dedicated hosting. My question was not regarding inefficient web applications, but rather about a large number of httprequests coming in within a short span of time. It seems that your throttling mechanism kicks in if CPU utilization is greater than 75% over a certain period of time.

    I wanted to understand how much load (in terms of users/pageviews etc) my specific application would be able to handle before it went offline.Alternatively, if I found out howmuch of the CPU capacity (not bandwidth/disk)I am currentlyusing, I could extrapolate (roughly) how many users canbe served using the current configuration.

  4. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    This is really difficult to say because there's no direct corrolation between # of user vs. CPU time. This all depends on how the application is created. For example, the server would use very little CPU cycle if the page is a simple static page and on the other hand if the page does a lot of calculation or graphic rendering, you would expect a lot of CPU usage.

    THe best way to plan for capacity is to test your site on a development server and measure the CPU time and memory usage.


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