CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA Silverlight Click or hidden input text CSS box?

Discussion in 'General troubleshooting' started by Americo, Aug 25, 2010.

  1. Americo

    Americo drpcmedics at netzero dot com

    What's the best remedy for SPAM?
    I got a vulnerability scanning software for our website and it SPAMMED me to death because I didn't have any CAPTCHAs then the GODADDY daddy said that reCAPTCHA is "the industry standard."

    Do you think a random number generating or random text generating CAPTCHA will do almost as well as reCAPTCHA.

    reCAPTCHA claims to create images that are hard for OCRs or computers to read. That's why the add thoses squiggly lines?

  2. I've done something to stop 90% of the spam to my contact page that the Silverlight team loves. Create a static Silverlight image and place it on the page. Simple.
    Other options are with the Ajax Toolkit, which you can D/L with examples on codeplex.
    btw, where are they spamming you? Blog?
    All the best,
  3. Americo

    Americo drpcmedics at netzero dot com

    AJAX Control Tookkit NoBot

    I found this customizable NOBOT code from AJAX.
    Can I just paste this code into my ASP or ASPX files?

    Here's the code:

    CutoffMaximumInstances="5" />

    Note should be no space in the words CustomChallengeResponse
    in the line
  4. You can use that but just pasting it won't be enough, you need the /bin/ files too.
    If you need help with that let me know.
    All the best,
  5. Americo

    Americo drpcmedics at netzero dot com

    bin files of Ajax Control Toolkit NoBot

    Here's the URL where I got that Ajax Control Toolkit NoBot code from

    Can you get those bin files and e-mail them to me?

    The binary files or *.dll files are probably located in the
    Ajax Control Toolkit repository.
    They want you do down load a minifier before
    this stuff works.

    Here's the NOBOT code again just so we are keeping this co-ordinated:
    CutoffMaximumInstances="5" />
  6. ...I'll create a mini site that uses it and place it on one of the DASP servers for D/L.
  7. Update: Here's a fully functional mini site with the required files and code to sniff for bots. The code and files are from Codeplex today.
    All the best,
  8. Americo

    Americo drpcmedics at netzero dot com

    How can I test the mini site you made?
  9. ...If you have Visual Studio just unzip it and then load it as a Web Site.
    Run it locally.
  10. Americo

    Americo drpcmedics at netzero dot com

    In the videos you recommended he's using Visual_Web_Developer 2005 Express Free version.
    Can i test the mini site with that since I already downloaded it?

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