Card Payment Gateway API

Discussion in 'General troubleshooting' started by runningdogs, Jul 22, 2009.

  1. Greetings.

    I'm developing a site that will be accepting credit card payments from users. We may be contracting with NCMS as the gateway provider. They have an API that would need to be integrated for use on the site. How do I go about finding out if can/will accomodate the request for integration? Should I open a ticket?

    Many Thanks!
  2. What do you mean integration. Do you mean to install something directly into the server?
  3. I think so... forgive my ignorance on the issue. I discussed this with a technical rep at the gateway provider and, as I understand it, their solution requires installation of their API onto the server.
  4. mjp


    I'm afraid if it's a server-level install we won't do it. Our goal is to maintain uniformity across all the servers, so if we install something on one, we have to install it (and maintain it) on all servers.
  5. Thanks for the info. I suppose, then, that I'll have to:

    1. Use one of your gateway partners?
    2. Find a gateway provider and solution that doesn't require any object installation?
    3. Find a host that allows object installation?
  6. mjp


    Yes. Though I would be careful with option #3. Hosts that allow installation of anything customers request may score a lot of points with people needing that kind of support, but their systems are wildly varying in stability and reliability.

    Remember, if they are installing things for you, they are invariably installing hundreds of other things for other customers as well. It's really an unmanageable way to run web servers, but some hosts do it anyway, and just cross their fingers and hope for the best. ;)
  7. I took a trip over to to see what this discussion was about and read that the supported integration methods for the ncms payment gateway include:
    • DSI (Direct Socket Interface)
    • Com Object
    • XML Web Service
    • And more!
    So it seems that there is a web service interface and if that is the case, I can't imagine what needs to be installed on the DASP servers for this service to be integrated into a web application. Surely a regular web service reference will work here? If I was considering ncms for a DASP hosted web application, the question I'd have to ask is "If I develop my application to communicate with your xml web service interface, what do I need to get installed on my web server?" And if ncms then reply and advise that "X" needs to be installed, I would be very interested to know why.
  8. dlls?

    I appreciate the advice re: option 3. And, I get why you wouldn't want to do this.

    I've gotten a little more info from the gateway vendor and the object they refer to is actually a Windows COM object. I understand that this is a no-go.

    But ... they also say they've got a solution that works with a payment form, and direct socket interface via SSL. This one, apparently, has a .dll that handles the transaction communcation with their server.

    Is this one off-limits, too? Specifically, would the .dll go in my site directory somewhere? Am I waaaaay over my head here? Don't answer that last one.
  9. Sounds like the .dll file is something that can simply be uploaded to your applications bin directory. If this the case you are free to try it. You may want to ask the vendor of this .dll and verify if it is a .Net component. If it is then it should not require a direct installation to the server. Also ask them if this is a wrapper. Meaning, if this .dll references another component that needs to be installed on the server.

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