Catch ALL account isn't catching the mail I need.

Discussion in 'Email' started by Ross, Feb 21, 2008.

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  1. I see an alias in the control panel called catchall and it's pointed towards the right email addy but nothing is coming in as I need it to. Any ideas, anyone?

    Thank you in advanced.

    UPDATE: My fault, apparently the catchall works properly, I just had to wait for a man on a 3 legged mule to deliver the message ... [​IMG]

    I've been on a lengthy vacation but it's back to business as usual.

    Gentlemen, this is unacceptable. Although thenew mailsystem is "pretty", it's not winning any efficiency contests. And for an award winning service, I'm a little shocked.[​IMG]

    I don'twant to constnatly sit down and re-acquaint myself withnew mail systems and rewrite a whole handful of scripts. I realize that your business doesn'trelyonme alone, butour businessesrely heavily on you. And so we need faster mail delivery, we demand faster mail delivery! (To the sound of 19,999 migrated users cheering)

    P.S. How do I turn off this gray filter thing? Perhaps that would help.
    P.S.S. Where's the spellcheck?

    Best Regards,

    Post Edited By Moderator (mjp [DASP]) : 5/5/2008 9:51:01 PM GMT
  2. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff


    do you mean email sent to you is getting to you late? or outbound mail is late?

    Though not recommended, you can turn off grey list, see

    In my own domain (been using it since 1996), I get tons of spam and greylist blocks about 85-90% of them and there's virtually no false positive. In anycase, its your own choice.


  3. Thank you for your response.

    I've tried to bypass the graylisting thing but I am not seeing any results.

    I am using random accounts and receiving the responses with acatch-all account. I'm assuming that I can't bypass graylisting with catch-all accounts because the incoming message is aimed towards an account that doesn't really exist and therefore can't have graylisting disabled. Am I correct in this assumption?

    If so, the only option I can think of is to have graylisting disabled by default for my entiredomain. Is this possible with the new "robust" & "feature rich" mail system?

    Please advise.
  4. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    SmarterMail 4 do not allow you to disable greylisting on Alias / CatchAll.

    The only way to do that is to disable greylist on the domain.

    We have passed this feature request to SmarterTools and hopefully they will make this enhancement in the upcoming releases.


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