Changing Timezone for website hosted by DiscountASP.Net

Discussion in 'Control Panel API' started by bradgol, Jul 28, 2008.

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  1. Hi,

    I was wondering if there is some way I can have our Discount ASP.NET hosted site have its Timezone changed from the current server time (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada); Tijuana to (GMT -05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada). A lot of our website portal components use the time based off of the server time. Seeing as we are trying to administer the website posting real-time event alarms, reviewing timed issues within event logs, checking modified dates/times for documents, etc....synchronizing with our timezone would be most practical.

    Apparently, this implementation can be done programmatically while running the hosting service ASP .Net provides. If I can do something via the site's ftp, please let me know.

    Kind Regards,
    Brad Goldstein
  2. Brad,

    Unfortunately changing the time zone will affect everybody. Since hosting is pretty much world wide there's really no good standard on which time zone to pick. The best of course is GMT -8 which is the greenwich mean time

  3. Is there not a way to change this locally for the site without affecting others?

    Thank You
  4. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

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