Cleanup Root Folder

Discussion in 'General troubleshooting' started by emilioveras, May 12, 2009.

  1. I would like clean up my root folder on my Discount ASP WebServer, but when I try to delete all the folders using FileZilla I gets an error saying that the folder: _database, bin and ClientBin cannot be delete because I don’t have the enough privileges to do it. How can I solve this problem?
  2. Do you have an FTP log you can share with us? Typically when this happens its the firewall disrupting the FTP connections. The error message is misleading sometimes. You may want to temporarily disable any firewalls and antivirus on your computer and network and change the connection mode on your FTP from Passive to Active Port mode if you not already have done it.
  3. The files in those folders might be in use. Try stopping your web site first, recycle the app pool, then delete the folders.
  4. Thanks!
    I solved the problem. As Aristotle said I just stopped the WebServer and I works.
    Thanks for all!

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