Code Library?

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by JonO, Mar 29, 2003.

  1. How about a code library? .NET is new enough that the wealth of examples, snippets and walk-throughs available for ASP just isn't there yet. The advantage of anything we had here is that we could assume it was already working on our server [^]

    (Information doesn't want to be free, it wants to be sixty-nine cents @ pound)
  2. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    Code Library is also another feature we are looking to introduce. The code library we are envisioning will allow user to push sample code out to their site through the control panel.

    According to our feature pipeline, we are looking to launch this in July timeframe.

    quote:Originally posted by JonO

    How about a code library? .NET is new enough that the wealth of examples, snippets and walk-throughs available for ASP just isn't there yet. The advantage of anything we had here is that we could assume it was already working on our server [^]

    (Information doesn't want to be free, it wants to be sixty-nine cents @ pound)
    </blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">
  3. Ya what Bruce said... [:)]
    What kind of walk-throughs, and snippets do you think we should have or give a higher priority?

    We can use this thread as a good place to determine what you, (our beloved customers [:D]) want to see most in the code bank. I don't want us to spend time on "How to setup a counter" if what everyone wants is "How to create a web service".

    quote:Originally posted by bruce

    Code Library is also another feature we are looking to introduce. The code library we are envisioning will allow user to push sample code out to their site through the control panel.

    According to our feature pipeline, we are looking to launch this in July timeframe.

    quote:Originally posted by JonO

    How about a code library? .NET is new enough that the wealth of examples, snippets and walk-throughs available for ASP just isn't there yet. The advantage of anything we had here is that we could assume it was already working on our server [^]

    (Information doesn't want to be free, it wants to be sixty-nine cents @ pound)
    </blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">
    </blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    Behind the ...[8]. .
  4. Well, I was thinking of something where your beloved customers might give as well as take. F'rinstance, I've come up with a couple of very nice utility routines that I'm using with an app my ompany is rolling out to field test next month - one of em is winform and would have to be adapated (but it should work as code-behind) but the other is inside our web service. I wouldn't post 'em until the April upgrade, but they might be useful to someone else after that.

    Elsewhere in this forum I chimed in on a discussion about messageboxes on the web and then thought about what would have to be done to create a server side infobox. It sounds like a useful tool - especially for exception handling - and one I wouldn't mind building for my use and sharing here, too.

    I suspect that there's a good chunk of talent out there that has invented some wheel or other - and wouldn't mind saving the rest of us from reinventing it. [:)]

    quote:Originally posted by rhurtz

    Ya what Bruce said... [:)]
    What kind of walk-throughs, and snippets do you think we should have or give a higher priority?

    We can use this thread as a good place to determine what you, (our beloved customers [:D]) want to see most in the code bank. I don't want us to spend time on "How to setup a counter" if what everyone wants is "How to create a web service".

    quote:Originally posted by bruce

    Code Library is also another feature we are looking to introduce. The code library we are envisioning will allow user to push sample code out to their site through the control panel.

    According to our feature pipeline, we are looking to launch this in July timeframe.

    quote:Originally posted by JonO

    How about a code library? .NET is new enough that the wealth of examples, snippets and walk-throughs available for ASP just isn't there yet. The advantage of anything we had here is that we could assume it was already working on our server [^]

    (Information doesn't want to be free, it wants to be sixty-nine cents @ pound)
    </blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">
    </blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    Behind the ...[8]. .
    </blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    (Information doesn't want to be free, it wants to be sixty-nine cents @ pound)
  5. Ah... I see what you are saying.. I was thinking a more cut and paste utilitarian code bank. I really like the idea of having a place for customers to share their code/apps etc. I'm glad you said that because I don't think we had that spec'd out for our planned code bank. Lets see what we can do, I will bring this up next week and see if we can work it into the spec's.

    Something like this would also be a good place for the DiscountASP employee's to put up their code to share too. Great idea!

    quote:Originally posted by JonO

    Well, I was thinking of something where your beloved customers might give as well as take. F'rinstance, I've come up with a couple of very nice utility routines that I'm using with an app my ompany is rolling out to field test next month - one of em is winform and would have to be adapated (but it should work as code-behind) but the other is inside our web service. I wouldn't post 'em until the April upgrade, but they might be useful to someone else after that.

    Elsewhere in this forum I chimed in on a discussion about messageboxes on the web and then thought about what would have to be done to create a server side infobox. It sounds like a useful tool - especially for exception handling - and one I wouldn't mind building for my use and sharing here, too.

    I suspect that there's a good chunk of talent out there that has invented some wheel or other - and wouldn't mind saving the rest of us from reinventing it. [:)]
    </blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    Behind the ...[8]. .

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