Code sample - Index Server-based site search

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by wisemx, Jan 5, 2008.

  1. I have that article sitting right here on my desk!


    It's all SharePoint and LiveSearch, though. I suppose I could get creative and write my own search provider using their technique and Index Server, but I really wanted to do this with a minimum of work.

    So - Index Server/ASP.NET based search, anyone? And just to clarify - DASP does have Index Server running on the servers, don't they?[​IMG]

    Post Edited (Harvey Birdman) : 1/5/2008 3:12:37 PM GMT
  2. I'm only been testing the one I linked to above but have written several over the years in classic ASP.
    Still using one of them for half of my site:
    Rest of the site is ASP.NET, I've thought of rewriting that search tool in ASP.NET but haven't yet.
    It works very well, even inside of ASP.NET pages on the server.
    If I find anything else I'll post it.
  3. Hi, Mark -

    Yeah, I'm leaning towards just reworking the sample from CodeProject to use .NET. It's pretty good - a lot better than the average snippetfound on the web. I'd like to find something I can implement in an afternoon - I'm really busy these days and don't want to turn it into a major project.
  4. I'm currently 46 and have three children ages 8, 5 and 3. Nuff said? [​IMG]
  5. [​IMG]


    Just need to get the kids trained in .NET programming and you'll have a great source of free labor.

  6. Well, I guess code samples are moot - the DASP servers don't have Indexing enabled.


    Looks like it's the MSDN article and LiveSearch, after all.
  7. Hey, all -

    Does anyone know of a good quality code sample illustrating setting up site search with Index Server and ASP.NET? Chris Maunder hasa good one at CodeProject but it's old-school ASP instead of ASP.NET. Does anyone know of anything more current? (Not interested in using LiveSearch - I'd prefer an Index Server-based solution.)

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