Discussion in 'Site Design, SEO, Google and Site Promotion' started by ColdSun, Jul 26, 2006.

  1. Just put up my site based on the .NET Club Site Starter Kit.

    I modded the look and feel quite a bit and am planning on adding a lot more customizations.
  2. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    Check your site with FireFox and other browsers.

    I tested it on FireFox and the top banner is misaligned with the content below.


  3. Hrmm I did check it on Firefox. :( I don't see what you are seeing. Hate when that happens.
  4. Ah ha! I found the offender! Fixed. Thanks so much for spotting that.
  5. Hi,

    Would you be interested in helping to shape up my website? I saw yours, and thought it was pretty cool. I'm a fellow DiscountASP user with a small business in the pharmaceutical consulting business. I'm trying to both develop the site and run the business (meet with clients, interview employment candidates, mtgs with accountant, lawyer, market research, etc.), anddon't have much time tofurther work on the site.

    I've done a lot of back end database and programming work (C#), but need help on the overall look and feel. Specifically, I'm looking for a clean, professional theme to which I can continue to add content. I'm pretty sure I've reached the limit of my graphic design skills. Here's the site I am developing on

    Please contact me through the email: [email protected] if you'd like to quote some work for me.

    Dan (PharmaPAC, Inc)

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