Comet Chat application not working

Discussion in 'ASP.NET / ASP.NET Core' started by rokrana, Jul 15, 2008.

  1. I have gone throught an artilce "Scalable COMET Combined with ASP.NET" at

    When I run this solution at my local system using Visual Studio 2008, itruns perfectly.

    But when I deployed it at its not working asexpected.
    After login from default.aspx page, we go to Chat.aspx page. And when we
    submit message then it gives error : 'ChatService' is undefined.

    Please help me to sort out this problem.
  2. Hi Vikram,

    Thanks for your reply.

    I have publishedthe solution( my local machineIIS 7.0. But its not working there too.

    Do I need to do something extra, to run this website at IIS? (At my local machine or at DiscountASP)
    I am using Visual Studio 2008(Professional) on Windows Vista Ultimate with IIS 7.

    Please help me, what should I do to run this solution at my IIS (local machine) and at DiscountASP.NET.

    (Do I need to install something extra or I have to modified the code of solution to make it run)


    Sandeep Rana

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