Completed - Web 701 - 707 Upgrades ?

Discussion in 'Windows / IIS' started by homehopperc, Feb 18, 2010.

  1. not completed on my end...? when do you supposed the server will be back up?

    been about 1.5 hrs prime time now...
  2. Yes, this is piss-poor! An unannounced upgrade in the middle of the day which apparently has taken a bad turn. I understand things don't always go as planned, but that's why most admins do these things at night. Or at least give some warning so we're not caught by surprise when the calls come in.
  3. mjp


    Granted, the middle of the day (U.S.) is not the best time to do anything disruptive on the servers, but we are limited in our time frames for doing things physically on the server. Those things are typically few and far between.

    I'm sorry that the memory upgrades took longer than anticipated, and I'll do whatever I can to avoid this kind of disruptive maintenance during peak hours.

    But also, please bear in mind that your "night" is someone else's day, and a third of our customers do not live in the U.S. Whenever we do these things we are inconveniencing someone, and I wish there was some way around that.
  4. Understandable, but it would have been nice to see a notice. It seems like this was just a "hey, let's do this real quick" type of thing. It's nice to get a notice so we can notify the people we need to and prevent unexpected "my website's broken" calls.

    Was there an e-mail that I missed? DASP is usually pretty good about sending notices via e-mail when they're planning down time. I've always like that because I can then forward it on to people so they're not surprised.
  5. mjp


    In a way, that's what it was, honestly. Because we did not anticipate an extended outage. We rarely send email notification unless we expect more than 15 - 20 minutes of downtime.

    This issue is raised after every outage, and I understand the point of view of those who want to receive notice about everything. I fall into that camp myself. Unfortunately for us though, the vast majority of users do not, and they tend to complain quite loudly if you email them too often, regardless of what the message is for. As unlikely as that may sound, it's true, and it's always been true in this business.

    We will revisit the idea of an opt-in list that receives notification about every instance of server maintenance. The problem with such a list is that there would be a lot of messages sent, and the tendency is to ignore them after a while (I am on a few such lists and I am guilty of that). So you receive the important notice but don't see it until after the fact, which kind of defeats the purpose.

    But we will discuss it.

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