Component One. WebMenus and WebBars for ASP.Net

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by devinb, Apr 29, 2006.

  1. Has anyone been able to get these to work? The License for these *free* controls doesn't seem to work. I've downloaded the v2.0 version of these and entered the serial # that I received when registering with the promo code at component one?

    I have also followed the instructions in their help file to delete the license and rebuild all. Still, when I hita web page with one of the controls I get the alert"Component One Web Menus and Toolbars for ASP.NET 2.0 (Evaluation Version). (c) ComponentOne LLC. All rights reserved".

    I've also brought up the "about" box for the control in the designer, entered the serial #, which it seems to like and claims that it is successfully registered. However, I Rebuild All and it still doesn't work.

    I've submitted a support incident to Component One but have not heard back from them.

    I also get this error on my DASP page.

    Parser Error Message: Could not load file or assembly 'C1.Web.Command.2, Version=2.0.20053.37, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=96d8a77dc0c22f6b' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.

    This assembly is in the GAC on my dev machine. How does it get there onthe DASPserver?
  2. They are not installed in the GAC of the DiscountASP servers, so you will need to place a copy of the DLL in the bin of your application.

    Regarding the licensing, to enter it, switch to design view on the page and right-click on the ComponentOne control and select About. You should be able to enter the license key there.


  3. Yes.. I have done this several times. I have entered the serial # that they gave me and it actually alerts with "You have successfully registeredyour copy of...." or something like that, so it thinks it is registered. Even after this, a"rebuild all", orrestart of VS and rebuild all, reboot, I've tried everything, still nothing works and I get an alert with every visit to the page still. Seems like the Serial # they have given is a trial serial number. I have not received a reply from them on this. Even though it says it is sucessfully registerd in the About box, the next time you bring it up, the serial # is blank again.

  4. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    i would suggest you contact component one directly. they provide full support for this product.



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