Connection string help

Discussion in 'Pre-sales questions' started by Guest, Apr 23, 2010.

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  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    If I move my website (and SQL db) from my in house server to yours, how do I develop the connection string so that NT services here that create the records can access the SQL db on the hosting server?

    It might take a while to be able to change those NT services, so it is more likely that I will need to start out by hosting the web site but keeping the SQL db in house. What do I need to do to provide SQL access to the web site when the web site is hosted and the db is not?

    I usually "publish" the web site to a beta test url on the server before publishing on the final, public url just to verify that there will be no unexpected performance issues. The beta url is "" instead of "" Would that still be possible, or would that be considered a separate site and need an additional account?
  2. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    We will provide you the connection string in the control panel once the SQL service is provisioned.

    We do not block outbound SQL connection from the server. This is more of a question of how you setup your local firewall / network.

    This is considered to be another account.
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