Consuming XML web service request

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by Swood, Oct 29, 2006.

  1. I am trying to consume some xml from a web service

    I have never done this but : the service works like this

    you build an url with an (a residentialaddress) coded in it : (when I type this into my
    browser I get the desired XML back from the service)

    I have been swimming through various articles all night.
    I tried to create a class using wsdl, Because the service provides anXSD url.

    butthis failed
    {Warning: This web reference does not conform to WS-I Basic Profile v1.1.
    SOAP 1.1 binding was not found: WS-I's Basic Profile 1.1 consists of implementat
    ion guidelines that recommend how a set of core Web services specifications shou
    ld be used together to develop interoperable Web services. For the 1.1 Profile,
    those specifications are SOAP 1.1, WSDL 1.1, UDDI 2.0, XML 1.0 and XML Schema}

    Truly I will parse it out myself I just don't know how to consume it.
    I don't believe the service has any real METHODS. you just send it an url and
    get back some xml

    I am obviously missing something here .

    Do I use SOAP,HTTp?


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