Could one of the guru here explain this procedure

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by bigmike40, Apr 23, 2007.

  1. Ok thanks. But could you answer the question regarding the application root dir

    or check out the msdn article in my original post to get a better understanding of what, i am trying to do. I am a newbie so some of these terms ora little [​IMG]
    How come this is missing from the page in the in the example code for theLogonurl page====<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    I was trying understand what they ment by hard-coded in this msd article above.
    i paste some of the article below also.

    In the scenario for the example, users request a protected resource, namely a page named Default.aspx. Only one user has access to the protected resource: [email protected], with a password of "37Yj*99P". The user name and password are hard-coded into the Logon.aspx file. The example requires three files: the Web.config file, a page named Logon.aspx, and a page named Default.aspx. The files reside in the application root directory

    To create the logon page

    1. Create an ASP.NET page named Logon.aspx in the application root folder.

    2. Copy the following markup and code into it:

    How come this is missing from the page ====<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

    question -where is the application root directory.Are we talking about the project folder we create onour C:\ drive,whenyou buliding a web application.. And to create apage you'd just hit add item.Is that what they're refering to?

    Ok im trying to setupthe changepassword id .I think i have to set the form authentication etc first before i can use it tochange userspassword unless someone can tell me other wise.
  3. Hard coded passwords and usernames always refer to methods the developer(s) used to include default passwords and usernames that can only be changed in code rather than from within a database, or other file. (XML is also often used.)

    For example, many of the open-source projects include a hard coded user and password.
    Most often the readme for those projects will beg you to change the default login info.
  4. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    Application root is an IIS term. It indicate the root of your application. By default, your website root is set as an application root. You can also mark subdirectory application root by using the Web APplication manager in the control panel.



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