crazy error - anyone ever seen this behavior

Discussion in 'Classic ASP' started by bjthomps, Apr 11, 2007.

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  1. I have a simple classic ASP site pulling data for displaying itemsfrom an Access database - piece of cake, right?

    Well, after making some mods to the code - the page is really acting up. When I click a menu item to navigate to a new list of items, I get a poppup error from IE 7 saying the page cannot be displayed, and the operation has been aborted. When I click on OK, I am shown the standard IE 7 "this page cannot be displayed.....Most likely Causes....yada yada yada" You've all seen that page.

    Well, from there, if I click the browser back button, I land on the page I was trying all along (when I received the error), and it is displaying just fine. If I close IE and come back to the site 5 minutes later and click the exact same menu item, the page loads up just fine....and can give the error another 5 minutes later. It's very erradic and unpredictable. [​IMG]

    Has anyone ever had a page behave this way, or figure out what caused it. I have been staring at my code for 2 hours now and can't see anything that should cause any error - and the error I am getting doesn't look like an ASP error at all. Any insights would be appreciated.


  2. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    that is indeed very strange!!

    Do you have the URL to the page? I want to test and see if I can replicate it.


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