creating custom user controls

Discussion in 'ASP.NET / ASP.NET Core' started by pjoyce, Apr 5, 2004.

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  1. Nature,

    There are a couple of ways you can do this, depending on what the desired result is. What I would do is instead of inheriting from Control, I would inherit from Table, and in your overridden Redner(), set the properties I want on the base class (not sure how it translates to vb but for the example below in C# it would be base.Border=1) and then use the base class' Render() function, passing in the HTMLWriter. (base.Render(output)).

    In your asp page, you can then access the Rows and Cells collections of the table and add controls to the Controls collection of the Cell. remember that an uninitialized table has no rows. So you will have to add new Rows and then Cells to each row.

    You could also create your own public functions like AddControl(control) which would add the controls to a new row/cell automatically.
  2. I'm trying to create a user control that writes a table and puts other controls (labels, buttons, etc.) inside the table. Here's what I have so far but I don't know how to insert the controls. Thanks,Carl
    Imports System
    Imports System.Web
    Imports System.Web.UI
    Imports System.collections.specialized

    Namespace myControls

    Public Class DisplayBox: Inherits Control implements IPostBackDataHandler

    Public Text As String
    Public css_class As String

    Protected Overrides Sub Render( objTextWriter As HtmlTextWriter )
    objTextWriter.AddAttribute( "border","1" )
    objTextWriter.AddAttribute( "bgcolor","#eeeeee")
    objTextWriter.AddAttribute( "width","100%" )
    objTextWriter.RenderBeginTag( "table" )

    objTextWriter.RenderBeginTag( "tr" )
    objTextWriter.RenderBeginTag( "td" )
    objTextWriter.Write( Text )

    objTextWriter.RenderBeginTag( "tr" )
    objTextWriter.RenderBeginTag( "td" )
    objTextWriter.Write( Text )
    End Sub

    Sub CheckPassword( s As Object, e As EventArgs )
    Dim strUsername, strPassword As String
    Dim lblLabel As Label
    strUsername = CTYPE( Controls( 2 ), TextBox ).Text
    strPassword = CTYPE( Controls( 5 ), TextBox ).Text
    lblLabel = CTYPE( Controls( 9 ), Label )
    If strUsername = "joe" and strPassword = "secret" Then
    lblLabel.Text = "Welcome Joe!"
    lblLabel.Text = "Invalid Password!"
    End If
    End Sub

    Protected Overrides Sub CreateChildControls()
    Me.Controls.Add( New LiteralControl( "<div style=""border: 5px " & _
    "inset #cccccc;background-color:#eeeeee;width:50%;padding:10px"">" ) )

    ' Add Username
    Me.Controls.Add( New LiteralControl( "Username:</b> " ) )
    Me.Controls.Add( New TextBox )
    Me.Controls.Add( New LiteralControl( "<p>" ) )

    ' Add Password
    Dim txtPass As New TextBox
    Me.Controls.Add( New LiteralControl( "Password:</b> " ) )
    txtPass.TextMode = TextBoxMode.Password
    Me.Controls.Add( txtPass )
    Me.Controls.Add( New LiteralControl( "<p>" ) )

    ' Add Submit Button
    Dim btnButton As New Button
    btnButton.Text = "Login!"
    AddHandler btnButton.Click, AddressOf checkPassword
    Me.Controls.Add( btnButton )
    Me.Controls.Add( New LiteralControl( "</div>" ) )

    ' Add Label Control
    Dim lblLabel As New Label
    lblLabel.EnableViewState = False
    Me.Controls.Add( lblLabel )
    End Sub
    End Class
    End Namespace
  3. After the td where you have the:
    objTextWriter.Write( Text )

    Render the controls like this:
  4. Oops!

    I meant like this:

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