Hi All, Has anyone been successful in using a local host Silverlight 2 component accessing WCF service hosted here in discountasp.? Works fine from the same domain, but I am getting crossdomain exception errors when trying to call the service from a local (on my dev machine) SL2 client. I have uploaded a crossdomainpolicy.xml as per below to web app root with no success.
I think you've got your naming mixed up, what you've got there is a clientaccesspolicy.xml file not a crossdomainpolicy.xml file which would look like: <!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy (View Source for full doctype...)> - <cross-domain-policy> <allow-http-request-headers-from domain="*" headers="*" secure="true" /> </<cross-domain-policy> If you rename it to clientaccesspolicy.xml I **think** you should be okay. HTH Pete
Thanks Pete, Its been so long I forgot to check this post. Anyhow, the filename in my original post was a typo. It is already clientaccesspolicy.xml. I will keep on looking and if I find a solution I will post here. Troy.
Any update on this area? I have been checking with fiddler, the clientaccesspolicy gets downloaded but then I get an error :-(.