Cryptography - How to retrieve a password protected PKCS#8 Private Key (.key) for RSA SignData???

Discussion in 'ASP.NET / ASP.NET Core' started by rauldiazpena, Oct 9, 2008.

  1. Hi there

    ¿How can iretrieve a password protected PKCS#8 Private Key (.key) for MD5-RSA SignData???

    I have 2 files, one is a .key extension that is the private key, and the other one is a .cer extension that is the public key.

    The private key is password protected and a DER file with PKCS#8 standar.

    I am using Visual Basic.Net Framework 3.5

    I tried loading it with X509Certificate2 constructor, but doesn't allow it and throw exception (i think it is actually to retrieve public key, or both, but not for private keys). However the .cer file is retrieved when trying.

    Any clue? code? api (NET) that may help? I think this must be a simple think to do, but i aint succeded jet.

    This is urgent! please help!

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