Crystal Reports not Supported - What Alternative?

Discussion in 'Visual Studio' started by Bruce, Apr 4, 2007.

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  1. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff


    Besides MS Reporting Services (which I will investigate a bit further down the line), I need to generate simple PDF reports - can someone recommendan inexpensive/simpletechnologythatis supported by DiscountASP.NET?

    You can consider building the PDF using ABCPDF which is installed on the server.

    If you want to have report, it should be by far easier to do it with Reporting service.


    Why is Crystal Reports not supported considering that it iswidely usedwithin Visual Studio?

    Reason is very simple. Crystal Decision do not freely distribute the runtime dll to display their report. We met w/ them about 6 months ago and they told us it is Illegal to use the VS.NET runtime on production server and they have NO intention to distribute the run time for free.

    In order for us to offer Crystal legally, we are required to pay Crystal Report's server license which cost in the vincinity of US$25,000 per processor.


  2. As a new member,I wanted to ask pose 2 questions regardingan alternative to Crystal which I see is not supported.


    Besides MS Reporting Services (which I will investigate a bit further down the line), I need to generate simple PDF reports - can someone recommendan inexpensive/simpletechnologythatis supported by DiscountASP.NET?


    Why is Crystal Reports not supported considering that it iswidely usedwithin Visual Studio?

    Many thanks.

  3. To dove tale on this thread. Crystal is not supported, but the ReportViewer control(that's bundled with Visual Studio 2005) is supported. Correct? I'm looking for a company to host a new site and is looking like my prime candidate. In Visual Studio 2003, I did all of my reports in the version of Crystal that was included with the compiler. I'm now moving to the 2005 version of the compiler which has the Crstal reporting and the reportviewer. I just want to confirm that supports the reportviewer. If so, I'll do all my reports with the new control. For the user who started this thread, the report viewer (I believe) supports exporting to PDF.

  4. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    Yes. Report Viewer controls is installed on all our servers.

    Crystal is not supported because Business Decision is asking for $15000 per processor licensing fee.


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