DASP email reports slow to open

Discussion in 'General troubleshooting' started by scot, Sep 18, 2012.

  1. I receive daily email reports about my domain's activity (aka: CEO Overview) from DASP. Whenever I select one of these email messages in the Windows 7 Live Mail client it freezes the program for about 15-20 seconds before previewing the email. It happens every time I try to preview or open the message, not just the first time. I receive plenty of other HTML messages loaded with images but they all preview without any delay at all.

    I disabled my Avast antivirus program but the problem still persists. When I download the same DASP messages to another PC using Outlook Express (WinXP) there is no delay at all in previewing the message.

    What could be causing DASP messages to hang in Live Mail? Is anyone else experiencing this problem?

    Sorry, I know this is a odd post but this is driving me crazy!

    Thanks, Scott.
  2. martino

    martino DiscountASP.NET Staff

    Hi Scott.

    Try checking for any new updates for your email client. The problem seems to be coming from your email client since you said another computer using Outlook Express opens it just fine.

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