Discussion in 'Site Design, SEO, Google and Site Promotion' started by Bruce, Oct 21, 2004.

  1. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    I do not believe we are listed in any blacklist. If the target mail servers do not update the blacklist, there's nothing much you can do.

    In addtion, almost all web hosting web companies are listed in some sort of blacklist in some point in time because of the sheer amount of email they send (Yahoo group was blocked by SpamHaus for a while) I heard from other users that some hosting company just do not even attempt to get themselve out of the blacklist because they'll get back in very quickly.

    To be honest, moving to another hosting company will not solve your problem. The best solution is to use your own mail server and point your domain's MX record to your mail server IP.


  2. I know this has been brought up in the past, but I have been given a deadline to tell the president of our company that this issue is resolved.

    He sent mail to an individual and was under the impression that they were just ignoring him. He then found out that they never recieved it but that it was denied because DASP is on a blacklist. I know the history and that DASP should not be on the list anymore, but the president wants it fixed in a couple days or we switch our host. I love DASP and will leave my other site there, (we host our own email server), but for thsi company I will not be able to get out of this without a resolution.

    Blacklists in general can ruin a company, they really need to be regulated and at least of a means of removing ones company from the list. I realize this process would require some level of proof that the spamming has stopped. In DASP's case I believe it has been taken care of, but the list is not updated..


    Greg Kelley
  3. This is a site I find useful for checking the status of domains:


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