Database Explorer not connecting in VWD 2005 express client 'connect to database'

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by brea245, Jun 26, 2008.

  1. I see red X over the database ASPNETDB.MDF. I went through a config. problem with sql server 2008 express client decided to retun to myoriginal SQL server 2005 express client. This is now configured and I connect to my remote SQL server 2005 account. But I use to be able toconnect also with myVWD 2005 express client and I could see all myobject files, tableslogins was great, now I can't connect I get thiserror when I choose data source>MS SQL server/.net framework data provider for SQL server>server name>authority>database name etc.:

    "An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified)"

    I also noticed theASPNETDB.MDF and the aspnetdb.ldf in App_Data folderhas not been updated onmy computer and on this acause??

    My login works fine

    In other words: my connection string in web config:

    <remove name="LocalSqLServer"/>
    <add name="LocalSqlServer" connectionString="Data;Integrated Security=false;Initial Catalog=SQL2005_XXXXXXX_XXXXXX;User ID=SQL2005_XXXXXXX_XXXXXX_user;Password=XXXXXXX" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>

    Wondering if you couldpoint to asimilar post with fix or suggest a fix???

    Thanks Lots
  2. Some of this stuff just fights with you doesn't it bro? [​IMG]
    Let me know how I can help, if you wantme to connect to the SQL Server no prob,just say the word.
    Whatever you need I'm here for ya.
  3. Well, would seem that way I come from a designer/content provider backgroundI've never ventured into ASP.NET computing beforeso Ithought I would see what it had to offer. I think this is the best entry for me I think it's a little complex-but at least I have a firm grip on loginfunction.

    For me to learn Ikindalike to do things for myself. But if you needaccess to my account you can look to see where theproblem is and maybe offer a solution so I know what I'd haveto do if a similar situation ever arises again.

    I have read these links;

    Introduction to Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition

    Working with Databases in Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition

    This is my speed on ASP.NET 2.

    I figure it has something to do with the ASPNETDB.MDF file not updated for the app_data file.

    In any case Mark if you would be so kind as to tell where to email my account access info. and you could inspect my account for errors.
  4. I just finished the IIS7 video last night and have been installing/updating the Expression Studio 2 products today...
    Now I do have a bit of time to offer help, after my lovely wife brings home my veggie Pizzas that is. [​IMG]
    Haven't eaten since mid day yesterday and it's starting to show.

    Anyway, my public e-mail address here is [email protected]

    Note: is a server DASP provides me with...used to help Developers here.
    Only used for Developer Evangelism. Perfectly safe.

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