
Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by capkix, Sep 10, 2003.

  1. Unfortunately, M$ has not included any sort of a datepicker in the web form controls that is similar to the one for windows forms. I've used about 20 different commercially available controls, but the overall best I've found so far is "Peter's Date Package" available from

    I think this package has two general characteristics that would make it an excellent addition to discountASP.NET. First, this package has some of the best looking and functional date controls there are. It includes a variety both server and client side objects for working with dates. The Date TextBox datepicker is both astetically well done and very functional. The date range control they have has proven to be very VERY useful for several projects I've worked on. It also includes excellent validation control objects! As the site says, this is not your basic, no frills date textbox with datepicker. Its set up to use DateTimeFormatInfo for international support and runs on IE and netscape/mozilla browsers.

    Second, its down and dirty CHEAP. Only 250 for a site license!!!

    I think you should get this! Nuff said!

    Iced Sun Dynamics

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