In a VB ASP.NET 3.5 app, when I try to use MsgBox, I get an error message: "Showing a modal dialog box or form when the application is not running in UserInteractive mode is not a valid operation." Anyone know what I must do to correct this?
It depends what you're trying to do. If you mean you're attempting to use a System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox ( in an ASP.NET application then it's never going to work. I need more info to help.
Thanks Joe and thanks Bruce. Just knowing MsgBox doesn;t work in an ASP app helps. I'll find another way to accomplish the same thing. Dan
What I am trying to do is interrupt processing FormView_ItemInserting VB code while the user decides whether to add a record or not based on a condition expressed in a message. That's why I tried to use MSgBox. Any ideas how to do this?
I tend to lean towards jquery ui dialog for client side interaction / modal dialogs. I'm also a big fan of jquery ui grid which includes support for intelligent data insertion/editing/deletion etc.