Displaying non-security screens (HOME,ABOUT US,etc) before a Security Login Screen is required??

Discussion in 'General troubleshooting' started by bits&bytes, Dec 30, 2008.

  1. I can't seem to let users look around my site (ABOUT US, FAQs, CONTACT US, etc)- b e f o r e they must signin/login (security screen). Does DiscountAsp allow a user to first browse a site - before deciding to login to a secure set of screens (for database access, etc)? I have tried changes to the 'Startup' part of the Website toolbar, different Web Config modifications, Redirect Url commands in my .cs C# program - butthe Security Login Screen I put in my project - always comes up first.Any ideas would be appreciated???
  2. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    i am not quite sure I understand the issue. Can you let us know how to replicate the problem?



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