DNS Report - No SPF record!

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by mjp, Sep 27, 2006.

  1. mjp


  2. I recently ran a DNS report against my domain hosted here, and got the following message which is quite alarming!

    Your domain does not have an SPF record. This means that spammers can easily send out E-mail that looks like it came from your domain, which can make your domain look bad (if the recipient thinks you really sent it), and can cost you money (when people complain to you, rather than the spammer). You may want to add an SPF record ASAP, as 01 Oct 2004 was the target date for domains to have SPF records in place (Hotmail, for example, started checking SPF records on 01 Oct 2004).

    Is the error correct and all of our domains do not have SPF records?

    George Leithead
  3. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    i recommend you create a suppoort ticket. Can't really tell much w/o looking at the bounced header.


  4. I'm also seeing a lot of bounced emails from spam being sent from my domain name. I'm in the process of trying to setup the SPF entry too, but am uncertain about the servers I should be adding there. I see from a header that mta02.internetmailserver.net is one of the outgoing servers for my domain. Is it ALWAYS going to be ONLY that server, or is there a pool of them that I should be using?

    Any help would be really appreciated.

    -- Dave

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