Domain Name Registration

Discussion in 'General troubleshooting' started by kendoolin, Jul 11, 2007.

  1. Hi All,

    Is it possible to add i.e. register a new domain name and point it to your site within DiscountASP.Net without having to register the name with another website and then point it within DiscountASP.Net.

    To clarify when i first registered for hosting I registered a domain name but now i wish to register more names to my site.
    If it is necessary to register new domains with another website is there any recommended

  2. Yes it is we do have a domain pointer addon. Please read the following about our domain pointer addon.

    We have domain pointer add-on service to point to the domain on our server.

    1. The Root Domain Pointer addon has a one time setup fee of $15 per domain name.
    2. This addon will point additional domain name(s) to the root of your primary hosted domain.
    3. Domain pointers DO NOT come with email service.
    4. We DO NOT point additional domains to subdirectories.
    5. This IS NOT a Domain Registration System.
    6. Customer is responsible for registering any available Domain Name(s) submitted.
    7. Root domain pointers are NOT instantly activated.

    Please note that we can only register a domain for a customer if it is open to the public. If you have already registered the domain with another registrar, you will need to insure that you update the Name Server settings to point to,, and

    Once you are ready to obtain this addon, simply log into your discountasp control panel and open a ticket to the billing department requesting for domain pointer addon and the name of the domain you would like to have added on.

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