Domain Pointers, SSL certs and different host names

Discussion in 'General troubleshooting' started by ruggernut, Jul 13, 2009.

  1. I have and (both pointing to the root folder of my account right now) along with a SSL cert. I also have and running on a different hosting service.

    I am in the process of migrating from DomainB over to DomainA and have DNS in place to point to As expected, I get a SSL Cert error.

    With the Domain Pointer add-on, can I setup to point to and use the SSL cert for DomainA? Is the URL changed to keep the originating domain (like DomainB) or is it swaped out for the destination domain (like DomainA).
  2. Takeshi Eto

    Takeshi Eto DiscountASP.NET Staff

    For SSL, you have to specify the Common Name which is the URL format that will be secure and it must be exact. So any domain pointer will produce an SSL error. Even differernt format of the URL that has SSL service will generate an error, if the common name is not exact. For example, if your common name is:, then if you try to secure, or - it will produce an error. In this example, you can only secure:, because you selected it as your common name. That is how SSL works.

    So if you use the domain pointer, in order to use the SSL, you will need to link to the Common name - which will mean that the user will see that the URL has changed.

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